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每年的12月,各个行业都在做年终盘点,08年末在全球金融危机的阴影笼罩下,显得有点让人忧郁与低沉。然而娱乐界和体育界似乎没有丝毫沉寂的意思,在这i时代,我们需要正面的娱乐精神,越是阴霾的日子,越需要阳光的出现,正如各外企紧缩成本准备过冬的时刻,联想移动推出了属于国人自己的个性多媒体手机——联想i60s,为未知的2009年手机市场增添了一道中国彩虹。 Every year in December, all industries are doing year-end inventory, the shadow of the global financial crisis in 2008 under the shadow of a bit gloomy and depressed. However, the entertainment industry and the sports industry do not seem to have the slightest meaning of silence. In this era, we need a positive spirit of entertainment. The more the haze day, the more the need for the sunshine. Just as the tightening costs of foreign companies prepare for the winter, Lenovo Mobile launched Belongs to the people of their own personality multimedia mobile phone - Lenovo i60s, for the unknown 2009 mobile phone market adds a Chinese rainbow.
从数字键盘、触摸屏到侧滑,手机的操作感受不断进行着革新。目前,市场上侧滑手机已呈现井喷趋势,消费者该如何选择?这里推荐几款热卖机型。 From the numeric keypad, touch
本专题史料反映了国民政府组织参加1933年暨1934年续办之芝加哥百年进步博览会的详情经过。中方这两次参会对于发展海外贸易、提高中国的国际地位起到了积极作用。 The hist