Incorporating Domain Knowledge into Data Mining Process:An Ontology Based Framework

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdhanxiaoxing
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With the explosive growth of data available, there is an urgent need to develop continuous data mining which reduces manual interaction evidently. A novel model for data mining is proposed in evolving environment. First, some valid mining task schedules are generated, and then autonomous and local mining are executed periodically, finally, previous results are merged and refined. The framework based on the model creates a communication mechanism to incorporate domain knowledge into continuous process through ontology service. The local and merge mining are transparent to the end user and heterogeneous data source by ontology. Experiments suggest that the framework should be useful in guiding the continuous mining process. With the explosive growth of data available, there is an urgent need to develop continuous data mining which reduces manual interaction evidently. A novel model for data mining is proposed in evolving environment. First, some valid mining task schedules are generated, and then autonomous and local mining are executed periodically, finally, previous results are merged and refined. The framework based on the model creates a communication mechanism to incorporate domain knowledge into continuous process through ontology service. The local and merge mining are transparent to the end user and heterogeneous data source by ontology. Experiments suggest that the framework should be useful in guiding the continuous mining process.
旋毛虫病是由旋毛虫(Trichinella spiralis)的成虫和和幼虫寄生与人或动物体内而发生的疾病.是十分重要的人畜共患寄生虫病.本病对人类危害严重,死亡率甚高.旋毛虫病分布于世
近年来,由于滥用剧毒鼠药灭鼠,造成食品、环境污染,致使食物中毒事件不断发生,严重危及人民的生命安全.现将1997~2000年我市剧毒鼠药引起的食物中毒情况分析报告如下.1 材料
目的 讨论社区家庭医生指导下的康复护理对促进脑卒中患者功能康复的价值.方法 选取该院治疗的80例脑卒中患者,根据随机数字法分为两组,在实验组中使用社区家庭医生指导下的
目的 探究对胃癌根治术患者实施不同麻醉方式对其早期康复产生的影响.方法 选取150例在2017年2月—2019年6月该院进行胃癌根治术的患者,按随机分组原则分为观察组(全麻联合硬
隐翅虫皮炎又叫甲虫皮炎[1].隐翅虫隶属于昆虫纲、鞘翅目、隐翅虫科,全世界已记载28000多种[2].引起人、畜隐翅虫皮炎主要为毒隐翅虫(Paederus fuscipes),其成虫含有的毒素是