以党的创新理论为指导 切实加强民兵思想政治建设——军区政治部秘书长谢武忠谈新年度民兵政治工作

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在新的一年到来之际,本刊记者就如何抓好新年度民兵政治工作,采访了军区政治部谢武忠秘书长。 问:新年度民兵政治工作总的思路是什么? 答:新年度民兵政治工作总的要求是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导。认真学习贯彻十六届四中全会和军委扩大会精神,紧紧扭住高举旗帜、听从指挥这个根本,围绕军事斗争准备这个龙头,大力加强民兵预备役思想政治建设,发扬传统、与时俱进、务真求实、开拓创新,保证党对武装工作的绝对领导,促进民兵战斗力的提高和各项任务的完成。 At the dawn of the new year, our correspondents interviewed Secretary-General Xie Wuzhong of the Political Department of the Military Region on how to grasp the political work of the militia in the new year. Q: What is the general idea of ​​the political work of the militia in the new year? A: The general requirements of the militia’s political work in the new year are guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the “three represents.” Conscientiously study and carry out the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the NPC Congress, firmly hold onto the banner of holding high the banner and obeying commands, center on the leading position in military struggle preparations, vigorously strengthen the ideological and political building of the reserve forces in militia, carry forward the tradition, keep pace with the times, Be truth-seeking and truth-seeking, blaze new trails and ensure the party’s absolute leadership over armed work, and promote the improvement of militia combat effectiveness and the completion of various tasks.
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