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在市场经济条件下,职工看到、想到、谈到的一切都是现实利益问题,并为之而努力,这不是坏事,而是好事。职工要增加收入,就要求我们解放思想,更新观念,转变思维方式,正确引导职工为企业增收创效。职工要增收,必须先创效。要增收,必须要求职工同心同德、齐心协力,与企业奋斗目标保持高度一致职工是企业的主人,是企业的支撑点。企业要发展、要生存,必须要求职工同心同德、齐心协力、荣辱与共,与企业发展目标保持高度一致。这是对职工要增收最根本的要求。因此,要教育和引导职工提高认识,积极参政议政,为企业的生存和发展献计献策。同时要求职工自觉地维护并认真执行企业的重大决策,把思想统一到企业发展这个大目标上来,使大家真正把企业的事当作自己的事来看、来想、来做,真正做到齐心协力,心往一处想,劲往一处使。 Under the conditions of a market economy, workers see and think that everything they talk about is a matter of practical interest and work hard for it. This is not a bad thing, but a good thing. In order to increase their income, the workers are required to emancipate their minds, update their concepts, and change their way of thinking so as to guide their workers to increase their incomes and profits effectively. To increase income workers, we must first create results. To increase revenue, employees must be required to work in unison to work in concert with one another and maintain a high degree of consistency with their corporate goals. Employees are the masters of enterprises and the support points of enterprises. Enterprises to develop and survive, we must require employees to work together, make concerted efforts, sharing weal and woe, and maintain a high degree of corporate development goals. This is the most fundamental requirement for employees to increase revenue. Therefore, it is necessary to educate and guide staff and workers to raise awareness and actively participate in the deliberations and administration of politics so as to offer advice and suggestions for the survival and development of enterprises. At the same time, it requires workers to consciously safeguard and conscientiously implement the major decisions of the enterprise and unify their thinking with the big goal of enterprise development so that everyone can truly regard the enterprise as their own business. To work together, a heart to think, trying to make a place.
要认清天空的阴阳面孔 习习和风转弯抹角 就变成折断树腰的罡风 一朵沉重的乌云 一片乌鸦的翅膀背后 正在酝酿百年不遇的暴雨 To understand the yin and yang of the sky
有一年轻人驾着心爱的摩托车在乡村道路上与当地农民驾驶的拖拉机擦撞,两个人都下车察看损失状况。 A young man drove his beloved motorcycle on a country road with a
苏格拉底和拉克苏相约,到很远很远的地方去游览一座大山。据说,那里风景如画,人们到了那里,会产生一种飘飘欲仙的感觉。 许多年以后,两人相遇 Socrates and Lacoste meet,
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