
来源 :山东税务纵横 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xjc132
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曾有一位老教授不无讽刺地对我说:世界上最难的事就是如何把别人口袋里的钱转移到自己口袋里来,但你们这些税务人员做到了。听了白发苍苍的老教授这番话,我心里一阵悲哀,没想到,这位饱读诗书的老先生对税收工作竟有如此严重的误解,或许他根本不了解自己的工资源于何处,退休的老伴何以颐养天年,上小学的孙子凭什么享受着义务教育。或许我们能看到的是国家的日益强盛,能感觉到的是社会保障体制的日益完善,能知道的是这一切都依赖于国家财力的增长,甚至能了解国家财政收入的90%以上来源于税收。但我们却看不到这分分毛毛的税款辗转入库中的艰辛,想不到威仪国徽后的较量与危险,更不会料到“别人口袋里的钱”一丝一毫都不可能落入征税人“自己”的腰包。我这篇采访中的两位主人翁正是老教授所说的、每天做着“世界上最难的事”的人———两位来自税务系统最小单位———农村征收分局的同志。他们一位是巾帼,一位是须眉;一位来自鲁中发达地区,2000年实现税收4.2亿;一位来自鲁西落后地段,税收一年不到300万。但他们对自己从事的事业倾注了同样的热情,他们相隔几百公里,素不相识,却在不同的地点、不同的时间对我说了同样的一句话:“我不敢保证能够十足收齐,但我会尽最大努力让国家税款从我手中少流失一点儿。”? An old professor once said to me ironically: The hardest thing in the world is how to transfer money from other people’s pockets to your own pocket, but you tax officers do it. After listening to the gray-haired old professor’s remark, my heart burst into sorrow. I did not expect that this veteran man who read the book of poetry had such a serious misunderstanding of the tax work. Perhaps he did not know where his salary originated Department, how to recuperate his wife’s retirement age, elementary school grandson on what to enjoy compulsory education. Perhaps what we can see is that the country is getting stronger and stronger. What we can feel is that the social security system is getting better. What we can know is that all this depends on the growth of state financial resources. We can even understand that more than 90% of state revenue comes from tax. However, we can not see the arduousness of taxation of this divided plush. We can not think of the contest and the danger after the emblem of the emblem, not to mention that “the money in other’s pocket” can not invade the taxpayer “Own” pockets. The two masters in my interview are exactly what the old professor said. Every day, people who are doing “the hardest thing in the world” --- two comrades from the rural collection bureau, the smallest unit of the tax system. One of them is a woman, one is a man of honor; one from the developed areas of Luzhong, with a tax revenue of 420 million yuan in 2000; one from the backward sections of Luxi with less than 3 million tax revenue a year. But they devoted the same enthusiasm to the undertakings they undertook. They separated by hundreds of kilometers and knew each other. However, they said the same thing to me at different places and at different times: “I can not guarantee that I can get the full amount of money , But I will try my best to make the national tax less loss from my hands. ”?
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