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选择2001-2010年中国大陆30个省为研究样本,运用SFA方法,分析了各省R&D创新与转化效率。主要发现:以发明专利申请量为科技创新产出,中国年均研发创新效率为0.532;以新产品销售收入为经济创新绩效,中国年均R&D转化效率仅为0.197。R&D创新和转化效率值均呈现:我国整体效率低下,东部地区最高,中部次之,西部最差;我国各省创新效率和转化效率基本保持不变,具有较高创新效率的省份其转化效率也较高,科技创新成果转化为经济绩效创新时存在更多的无效率因素;从时序上看,各省间的创新效率和转化效率表现为制衡效应,各省创新效率和转化效率存在马太效应;按R&D创新和转化效率值高低,30省R&D活动模式分为:高创新高转化、高创新低转化、低创新高转化、低创新低转化4种模式。我国R&D创新和转化效率未来挖掘的重点主要在中西部地区,各省应以促进研发科技成果转化为契机,采取有效的措施加快科技创新成果的转化进程。 Choosing 30 provinces in mainland China from 2001 to 2010 as the research sample, using the SFA method to analyze the provincial R & D innovation and transformation efficiency. The main findings are as follows: the amount of invention patents applied for scientific and technological innovation output, the average annual R & D innovation efficiency of China is 0.532; and the sales revenue of new products is the economic innovation performance, the annual average R & D conversion efficiency of China is only 0.197. R & D innovation and conversion efficiency values ​​are presented: China’s overall low efficiency, the highest in the eastern region, followed by the central and western worst; innovation and transformation efficiency of our provinces remained unchanged, with higher efficiency of innovation in the provinces more efficient There are more inefficiency factors in the transition from high-tech and scientific-technological innovations to economic performance innovations. From the perspective of time series, innovation efficiency and conversion efficiency among provinces show a counterbalanced effect, and Matthew effect exists in provincial innovation efficiency and conversion efficiency. According to R & D Innovation and conversion efficiency values, 30 provinces R & D activity patterns are divided into: high-innovation high transformation, high-innovation low transformation, low-innovation high transformation, low-innovation low transformation 4 modes. The focus of future R & D innovation and conversion efficiency mining in China is mainly in the central and western regions. Provinces should take the opportunity of promoting the transformation of R & D scientific and technological achievements and take effective measures to speed up the transformation process of scientific and technological innovation achievements.
Igneous and sedimentary rocks contain an amount of natural radioactivity (NORM). U-238, Th-232 and their decay products, and K-40 are important sources of gamma
<正> 满族是十六世纪末十七世纪初以女真人为主体而形成的,是我国一个有着悠久历史的少数民族。先秦时期的肃慎,汉朝和三国期间的挹娄,南北朝时代的勿吉,唐朝时的靺鞨,以及宋