
来源 :企业文明 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mustang2001
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沐浴改革的风雨,迎击竞争的狂澜,《企业文明》杂志迎来了创刊十周年暨出刊100期。十年,三千六百多个日日夜夜,《企业文明》没有虚度岁月。她遵循正确的办刊宗旨,以邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党的基本路线为指导,以推进企业物质文明、精神文明、制度文明建设为己任,记录下了机电、兵器、汽车工业创建现代企业,向市场经济进军的飒爽英姿,记录下了行业广大职工投身改革,大干四化,开拓奋进的英雄风貌。十年耕耘,迎来硕果盈枝,赢得了四面八方、行业内外的赞誉;1995年刊物被评为四川省优秀期刊,荣获重庆市优秀期刊一等奖。 Bathing in the reforms to meet the turmoil of competition, “Corporate Civilization” magazine ushered in the tenth anniversary of the founding and published 100 issues. Ten years, more than 3,600 days and nights, “Corporate Civilization” has no time. She follows the correct purpose of running the journal. She is guided by Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the party’s basic line, and is committed to advancing the construction of the material, spiritual, and institutional civilization of the enterprise. It records the electromechanical, weaponry, and automobile industries. The establishment of a modern enterprise and the march towards a market economy are heroic and heroic. It records the heroic outlook of the vast number of employees in the industry who are engaged in reforms, reforms, and development. After ten years of hard work, ushered in fruitful results and won praise from all sides and within and outside the industry. The 1995 publication was awarded as an outstanding periodical in Sichuan Province and won the first prize for outstanding journals in Chongqing.
建设工程造价管理体制的改革是完善建筑业体制和建筑市场的首要问题之一,而合理规范建设工程造价管理主体又是改革工程造价管理体制的首要方面。鉴于此,本文拟针对我国 The
盆腔脓肿与急性盆腔炎或盆腔炎块有时不易鉴别。如果误诊,脓肿一旦破裂,死亡率极高。现将我院20年内所遇43例进行分析,以进一步提高对本症的认识。 Pelvic abscess and acu
廓清历史积存的雾障 ,尊重和关注“语文”本体 ,凭“求是”的精神 ,以“证伪”为方法 ,正本清源 ,深入于作为人的心灵活动和生命存在方式的“言语活动”之中 ,探究“语文”和