Evaluation of the potential of microbial exploration for gold ores: Mineralization and non-mineraliz

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdddddddd
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Studies on the soil-geological transects at gold mining areas in northwest Sichuan show that the distribution of soil Bacillus cereus spore counts can indicate the underlying gold mineralization. The anomalies of spore counts flanked the subsurface orebodies while low spore counts occurred right in soils above the outcrops of the orebodies. This microbial exploration tech-nique has the potential to be employed at promising exploration areas or mining areas. Non-min-eralization factors such as soil types strongly influence the spore number, which leads to varied background values at different mining areas. Application of this bio-method in regional exploration awaits the establishment of background database of B. cereus spore numbers at different soil en-vironments. Studies on the soil-geological transects at gold mining areas in northwest Sichuan show that the distribution of soil Bacillus cereus spore counts can indicate the underlying gold mineralization. The anomalies of spore counts flanked the subsurface orebodies while low spore counts occurred right in soils above the This microbial exploration tech-nique has the potential to be employed at promising exploration areas or mining areas. Non-min-eralization factors such as soil types strongly influence the spore number, which leads to varied background values ​​at different mining areas. Application of this bio-method in regional exploration awaits the establishment of background database of B. cereus spore numbers at different soil en-vironments.
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