
来源 :文艺生活(艺术中国) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongzi2009
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今年春上,湖南作家甘建华先生期望策划一次“诗文风流·翰墨飘香——中国作家书画作品展”(该展览与画集序言由中国作协副主席谭谈先生撰文,已发表于《艺术中国》杂志2013年10期)。并通过他的老师——原中国文联党组副书记、《当代》文学主编、人民文学出版社社长、著名作家、书画家孟伟哉老人与我取得了联系,希望我的国画也能够参加这个全国性的作家书画展。作为亚圣后裔73代孙,我与年已80岁的伟哉老人一直是兄弟相称,感情深厚。老人力推我给建华,我自然不敢应付,便在周末歇班之余画了《秦淮七月》的仕女画、《青牛翁》的老子出关图和建华专门点题的《高粱红了》(是我专门为中国作协副主席、诺贝尔文学奖获得者的老友莫言所作的水墨造像)三幅作品。金秋, On this spring, Mr. Gan Jianhua, a Hunan writer, is planning to organize a series of exhibitions and paintings with a preface by Tan Tan, vice chairman of the Chinese Writers’ Association, published in “ Art China magazine 2013 issue 10). And through his teacher - the former deputy secretary of the Chinese FAN group, the ”contemporary“ literature editor, the president of the People’s Literature Publishing House, a famous writer, calligrapher Meng Weizai elderly and I made contact, I hope my Chinese painting can also participate in this national Writer and calligraphy exhibition. As the descendants of the 73 generation of descendants, I am 80 years old with Wei Zhi old man has always been brothers, deep feelings. The old man pushed me to Jianhua, and I naturally could not cope with it. On the weekends, she drew the beauty painting of ”Qinhuai July“, ”Lao Zi Weng“ ”(I was specifically for the Chinese Writers Association vice president, Nobel Prize laureate Mo Yan made ink portrait) three works. Autumn,
采用由阴极真空弧等离子体源、负脉冲高压靶台和磁过滤系统组成的金属等离子体浸没动态离子束增强沉积系统 ,对 30 4L不锈钢进行金属等离子体浸没动态离子束增强沉积处理 .对