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角部绝热结构的设计是大型LNG储罐绝热结构设计的关键。将大型LNG储罐角部绝热结构视为二维平面问题,利用ANSYS软件分析其温度场和热流密度的分布规律。结果表明:热量主要通过混凝土环梁以及罐底与罐壁的交汇处传入罐内,因此,保证角部保冷绝热结构的连续性非常重要。同时,设计角保冷块(TCP£用以减少沿二次罐底的漏热量,为了增加热阻,通常使其长度在5 m左右。根据预冷中储罐角部降温过程的瞬时热分析结果,储罐的降温过程十分缓慢,在预冷初期,罐壁降温较慢且温度梯度小,罐底降温较快且温度梯度大,因此采用低温气体使罐底充分预冷有利于对储罐整体冷却的控制。 The design of the corner insulation structure is the key to the design of the insulation structure of large LNG storage tanks. The large LNG storage tank corner insulation structure is regarded as a two-dimensional plane problem. The distribution of temperature field and heat flux density is analyzed by ANSYS software. The results show that the heat is mainly introduced into the tank through the concrete ring beam and the intersection of the tank bottom and the tank wall. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the continuity of the insulation structure at the corner. At the same time, the design of cold-proof block (TCP £) to reduce the amount of heat leakage along the secondary tank bottom, in order to increase the thermal resistance, usually make it about 5 m in length.According to the instantaneous thermal analysis results , The cooling process of the storage tank is very slow. In the initial stage of precooling, the cooling of the tank wall is slow and the temperature gradient is small, and the temperature at the bottom of the tank is lowered rapidly and the temperature gradient is high. Therefore, Cooling control.
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