Effects of Pouring Temperature on Interfacial Reaction between Ti-47.5Al-2.5V-1Cr Alloy and Mold dur

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:df0225
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Pouring temperature and time are the most important influencing factors on interfacial reaction during the centrifugal casting. When cast at high temperatures, the crucible becomes brittle and prone to cracking, and shows a low stability. In this paper, we studied the centrifugal casting of Ti-47.5-Al-2.5V-1Cr alloy, and explored the effects of pouring temperature on the interfacial reaction. Castings at 1 600, 1 650, and 1 700 ℃ were obtained by controlling the other parameters constant in the experiments. The microstructure, elemental distribution, thickness of the reaction layer and phase composition of the castings at the interface were studied. The results show that the thickness at the interfacial reaction layer is increased by raising the pouring temperature. The elements in the mold and the matrix were double-diffused and reacted at the interface during the casting process, and formed solid solutions with the precipitation of many new phases such as Al_2O_3 and TiO_2. The roughness of interface structure and layer thickness of reaction increase with the rise of temperature, and the interfacial reaction is more intense. There is a minimum layer thickness of the reaction layer that is 80 μm when the temperature is 1 600 ℃. Pouring temperature and time are the most important influencing factors on interfacial reaction during the centrifugal casting. When this paper, we studied the centrifugal casting of Ti -47.5-Al-2.5V-1Cr alloy, and explored the effects of pouring temperature on the interfacial reaction. Castings at 1 600, 1 650, and 1 700 ° C were obtained by controlling the other parameters constant in the experiments. The microstructure, The results show that the thickness at the interfacial reaction layer is increased by raising the pouring temperature. The elements in the mold and the matrix were double- diffused and reacted at the interface during the casting process, and formed solid solutions with the precipitation of many new phases such as Al 2 O 3 and TiO 2. The rou ghness of interface structure and layer thickness of reaction increase with the rise of temperature, and the interfacial reaction is more intense. There is a minimum layer thickness of the reaction layer that is 80 μm when the temperature is 1 600 ° C.
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