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受人类活动特别是城市化的影响,天然水文过程发生了显著变化。目前城市化的水文效应研究已经成为国际上的热点问题和前沿领域。文章回顾了国内外城市化过程所引起的水文效应研究现状,述评了现有研究方法和主要研究内容:①城市化对降水的影响具有地区差异和季节差异,其影响程度还存在争议,城市化降水效应机理有待研究;②城市化地区河网结构趋于简单,目前平原河网地区水系分级方法不明确;③不透水面变化改变长期径流量、水质以及暴雨洪水洪峰流量、洪峰过程,其定量关系的阈值需要确立;④变化下垫面条件下流域生态系统结构和功能,水文过程与生态过程耦合需要进一步研究。最后提出了存在问题和进一步研究的思路,以便作为城市水文学研究的参考。 Affected by human activities, especially urbanization, significant changes have taken place in the natural hydrological processes. At present, the research on hydrological effects of urbanization has become a hot issue and a frontier field in the world. This paper reviews the current status of hydrological effects caused by urbanization at home and abroad, reviews the existing research methods and main research contents: ①The impact of urbanization on precipitation has regional differences and seasonal differences, and the degree of its impact is still controversial. Urbanization The mechanism of precipitation effect needs to be studied; ②The river network structure tends to be simple in the urbanization area. At present, the grading method of water system in the plain river network is not clear; ③ The impervious surface changes the long-term runoff, water quality, flood peak flow and flood peak, The threshold of the relationship needs to be established; (4) the structure and function of the ecosystem, the coupling of hydrological process and ecological process under the underlying surface need further study. Finally, the existing problems and ideas of further research are put forward so as to serve as a reference for urban hydrology research.
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