
来源 :河北地质学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cx2cx2
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地质高校学报从创刊的第一家《北京地质学院学报》算起,到现在也不过是31个春秋。她的孕育产生和发展是在建国后的40年间,经历了4个时期:1950~1956年的“地质高校迅速成长、学报孕育”时期;1957~1965年的“左”倾思潮严重干扰,“营养不佳”的幼年时期;1966~1976年文化大革命,学报惨遭厄运时期;1977年以来学报发展的鼎盛时期。鲜明的刊物性质;明确的办刊宗旨;翔实的办刊内容;内稿为主,外稿为辅;间发学科性、地方性和纪念性的三种专辑;固定的出版周期;特定的读者对象,是1977年以来学报的基本特点。办刊的基本经验是:1)政治民主、思想解放是学报赖以生存发展的条件;2)领导重视是办好学报的关键;3)科研成果是提高学报质量的基础;4)学术性是学报的基本属性;5)专家教授是办好学报的保证;6)编辑是办好学报的基本力量。 Journal of Geological University from the first publication of “Journal of Beijing Institute of Geology” counted, up to now is only 31 Spring and Autumn. During the 40 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, her birth and development experienced four periods: the period from 1950 to 1956, with the rapid development of geology colleges and the birth of journals; the thought of “leftist” from 1957 to 1965 seriously interfered with “ Poor nutrition ”of the juvenile period; 1966 ~ 1976 Cultural Revolution, Journal was wrecked during the doom; Since 1977 heyday of the development of the journal. Distinctive nature of the publication; clear purpose of running a journal; informative content of the publication; mainly written in internal manuscripts; three special interdisciplinary, local and commemorative albums; fixed publication cycles; specific readers The object is the basic characteristic of the journal since 1977. The basic experience of running a journal is as follows: 1) Political democracy and emancipation of mind are the conditions for survival and development of journals; 2) leadership is the key to running journals; 3) scientific research results are the basis for improving journal quality; 4) The basic attributes of journals; 5) Experts and professors is the guarantee of running journals; 6) Editor is the basic strength of running journals.
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