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随着社会主义市场经济新体制的逐步建立,一个前所未有的第二职业热正在华夏大地上迅速兴起。从机关到学校,从工厂到矿山,从城市到农村,各行各业不断传出干部“下海”游泳,教授、专家办实体.工人上街摆摊设点,农民进城跑买卖的消息。面对滚滚扑面而来的第二职业热潮,仁者见仁,智者见智,众说纷纭,褒贬不一。对于当前发展第二职业的功过是非及利弊得失,实践自然会作出公正的回答,但是,这一大潮给人们提供的思考却是多角度、多层次的。特别是通过对产生第二职业根源的分析,对于推动我们进一步解放思想,转变观念,加快综合改革的步伐,将是大有益处的。思考之一:第二职业热是向“干一行,爱一行”传统观念的挑战,它要求人们必须关心人才,用好人才。长期以来,我们国家在人员的分配,职业的选择,岗位的确定,一直倡导的是“服从组织”,“干一行,爱一行”。由于人们在择业、选岗方面缺乏主动权, With the gradual establishment of a new socialist market economy, an unprecedented second professional fever is rapidly emerging in the vast land of China. From organs to schools, from factories to mines, from cities to rural areas, all walks of life have consistently sent cadres to “swim in the sea”, professors and experts to run entities. In the face of the second wave of career booming, the benevolents see the benevolent, the wise see the wisdom, divergent opinions, mixed reviews. Practices will naturally give fair answers to the merits and demerits of the merits and demerits of the current development of the second profession. However, this tide has given people some reflections on multi-angle and multi-level issues. In particular, through analyzing the root causes of the second occupation, it will be beneficial for us to further emancipate our minds, change our concepts and accelerate the pace of comprehensive reform. One of the reflections: The second occupational heat is a challenge to the traditional concept of “doing a good job and loving a fellow man”. It requires that people must be concerned about and employ good people. For a long time, our country has always advocated “obeying the organization”, “doing a good job and loving people” in the distribution of personnel, the choice of career and the determination of positions. As people lack the initiative in selecting jobs and selecting posts,
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