Slant path average intensity of finite optical beam propagating in turbulent atmosphere

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweasd123qweqwe
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The average intensity of finite laser beam propagating through turbulent atmosphere is calculated from the extended Huygens Presnel principle. Formulas are presented for the slant path average intensity from an arbitrarily truncated Gaussian beam. The new expressions are derived from the modified von Karman spectrum for refractive-index fluctuations, quadratic approximation of the structure function, and Gaussian approximation for the product of Gaussian function and Bessel function. It is shown that the form of average intensity is not a Gaussian function but a polynomial of the power of the binomial function, Gaussian function, and the incomplete gamma function. The results also show that the mean irradiance of a finite optical beam propagating in slant path turbulent atmosphere not only depends on the effective beam radius at the transmitting aperture plane, propagation distance, and long-term lateral coherence length of spherical wave, but also on the radius of emit aperture. The average intensity of finite laser beam propagating through turbulent atmosphere is calculated from the extended Huygens Presnel principle. Formulas are presented for the slant path average intensity from an arbitrarily truncated Gaussian beam. The new expressions are derived from the modified von Karman spectrum for refractive- index fluctuations, quadratic approximation of the structure function, and Gaussian approximation for the product of Gaussian function and Bessel function. It is shown in the form of average intensity is not a Gaussian function but a polynomial of the power of the binomial function, Gaussian function , and the incomplete gamma function. The results also show that the mean irradiance of a finite optical beam propagating in slant path turbulent atmosphere not only on the effective beam radius at the transmitting aperture plane, propagation distance, and long-term lateral coherence length of spherical wave, but also on the radius of emit aperture.
本文明确地定义了摩尔等压反应热效应、摩尔等容反应热效应和摩尔相变热效应三个新概念,阐释了引入这几个概念的必要性。 This article clearly defines three new concepts
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