
来源 :河南医药信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boyanfang
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目的 :探讨中西医结合的截断疗法阻断病毒性肝炎 (重肝倾向 )向重型肝炎 (简称重肝 )转化的有效性。方法 :对照组采用综合疗法加肝炎Ⅰ号方。治疗组Ⅰ在上组用药基础上 ,采用与重肝有关的客观指标作为辩证用药的依据 ,进行阻断治疗。治疗组Ⅱ在上述用药基础上 ,加用促肝细胞生长素 (PHGF ,空军广州医院研制 ,广东阳江制药厂生产 )。结果 :治疗组Ⅱ转重肝率最低 ( 4 3 0 % ) ,与治疗组Ⅰ ( 2 6 10 % )相比有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ,与对照组 ( 60 86% )相比有非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。治疗组Ⅰ与对照组相比亦有显著差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :按中西医结合理论辩证用药的截断治疗法可阻止此类病毒性肝炎向重肝发展 ,加用PHGF后 ,可提高疗效。提示PHGF对重肝超早期应用可能更有价值。 Objective: To explore the effectiveness of truncation therapy combining traditional Chinese and western medicine in blocking the conversion of viral hepatitis (severe liver tendency) to severe hepatitis (severe liver disease). Methods: The control group with integrated therapy plus hepatitis Ⅰ. Treatment group Ⅰ in the group based on the medication, the use of the objective indicators associated with heavy liver as the basis for the dialectical use, blocking treatment. Treatment group Ⅱ on the basis of the above medication, plus the use of hepatocyte growth factor (PHGF, Air Force Guangzhou Hospital, Guangdong Yangjiang Pharmaceutical Factory production). Results: In the treatment group Ⅱ, the liver weight was the lowest (43.0%), which was significantly lower than that of the treatment group Ⅰ (26.10%) (P <0.05) There was a significant difference (P <0.01). There was also a significant difference between treatment group I and control group (P <0.05). Conclusion: According to the theory of traditional Chinese and western medicine dialectical truncation therapy can prevent the development of such hepatitis to the development of severe hepatitis, add PHGF, can improve the curative effect. Tip PHGF may be more valuable for the early application of liver.
从生活出发,教师应该创设一个探索体验的课堂,一个自主合作的课堂,一个发展延伸的课堂。如此,师生方能在数学王国中收获到沉甸甸的果实。 From the point of view of life,
黄彦蓉在讲话中指出,要努力开创工会宣教工作的新局面,为推动工会工作全面创新发展做出新的贡献。 In his speech, Huang Yanrong pointed out that efforts should be made