
来源 :湖南省县域经济发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjin001983
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一、客观估价2009年的经济工作2009年,是衡东县经济社会发展最困难的一年。在县委的坚强领导下,全县上下深入学习实践科学发展观,紧紧抓住中央扩内需、保增长等一系列政策机遇,努力克服和化解国际金融危机带来的冲击和影响,县域经济呈现逆势上扬的良好态势,较好地完成了全年目标任务。(一)经济发展提速提质。全县完成生产总值102.48亿元,增长14.8%,一、二、三产业分别增长5.6%、19.7%、12.9%。财政收入首次突破4亿元,完成40619万元,占年度预算任务的1 01.55%,增长10.92%,其中地方一般预算收入累计完成24258万元,增长 First, an objective assessment of the economic work in 2009 In 2009, Hengdong County is the most difficult economic and social development of the year. Under the strong leadership of the county Party committee, the county has thoroughly studied and practiced the scientific outlook on development in depth, and took a series of policy opportunities such as the expansion of domestic demand and growth by the Central Government in an effort to overcome and resolve the impact and impact brought by the international financial crisis. The economy of the county economy Against the good trend of rising trend, the Company successfully completed its annual target and tasks. (I) Speed ​​up economic development. The county completed a GDP of 10.248 billion yuan, an increase of 14.8%, the first, second and tertiary industries increased by 5.6%, 19.7% and 12.9% respectively. For the first time, the fiscal revenue exceeded 400 million yuan to finish 406.19 million yuan, accounting for 101.55% of the annual budget task and an increase of 10.92%, of which the general budgetary revenue of the local government completed a total of 242.58 million yuan, an increase of
中国社科院刚刚发布的“社会蓝皮书”——《2010年社会形式分析与预测》中,公布了零点研究咨询集团最新完成的《2010年中国居民生活质量指数调查报告》,报告指出:约1/4受访者认为自己比周围人穷。在谈到为什么穷时,人们更倾向于归咎于社会大环境因素,如社会制度和社会风气等;而较少归咎于个人层面的原因,特别是个人层面可控制的因素,如家人是否努力,是否具备必要的知识和技能等。  本次调查中,首先让受访者判
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加快发展方式转型,是我国回应国内外多重挑战、实现经济社会可持续发展的关键抉择;它内在地要求对经济指标体系作出调整,以更好地揭示经济社会发展的真实状态和趋向。 Accel
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