
来源 :政协天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyzhanhun
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闽南文化是中华文化中较早和较成熟地接触世界其他地区异质文化的区域文化,为中华文化在“全球化”进程中持续发展、进而在“全球化”进程中为人类文明作出自己应有的贡献,成为中华文化瑰宝之一。为保护和弘扬作为中华文化体系重要组成部分的闽南文化,2007年6月9日,文化部公布设立了以闽南的泉州、漳州、厦门为特定区域的我国首个文化生态保护区——闽南 The Minnan culture is an early and more mature part of the Chinese culture that has been exposed to the heterogeneous cultures of other parts of the world. It has provided support for the continuous development of Chinese culture in the process of globalization and further development of human beings in the globalization process Civilization to make its due contribution to become one of the Chinese cultural treasures. To protect and promote the Taiwanese culture as an important part of the Chinese culture system, the Ministry of Culture announced on June 9, 2007 the establishment of the first cultural and ecological conservation zone in southern Fujian, namely Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Xiamen,
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1  若兰没想到,晚霞满天的黄昏,轰隆咆哮的火车沿着时而弯曲时而笔直的铁轨奔向远方的场景会成为她生命中一个充满象征意味的图卷。若兰的记忆里处处沾染着火车的身影。许多年前的那个夏天,在通往外公家的路上,若兰第一次那么近地看见了火车。若兰紧抓着外公满是老茧的右手,小手掌心里满是汗汁。看着呼啸着绝尘而去的火车,她紧抓着外公的手握得更紧了。她满是稚气的脸上一脸担心。她焦急着问外公火车怎么不开慢点,这么快,
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