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目的观测膻中穴位注射对哮喘豚鼠中性粒细胞(PMN)的影响,探讨穴位注射防治支气管哮喘的作用途径和机制,为支气管哮喘的防治提供新的思路和较好的方法,并为进一步研究穴位注射方法治疗哮喘的作用机理奠定一定的基础。方法50只荷兰种雄性豚鼠随机分成5组:空白对照组、模型对照组、鱼腥草穴位注射组、鱼腥草非穴位注射组和生理盐水穴位注射组。采用卵蛋白致敏和激发建立哮喘豚鼠模型,通过穴位注射治疗后,肉眼观察豚鼠哮喘症状发作程度,记录引喘潜伏期,瑞氏染色光镜下计数支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中PMN的情况。结果穴位注射可有效延长哮喘豚鼠的引喘潜伏期,减轻哮喘急性发作期的症状;结合对BALF中PMN计数结果显示,膻中穴穴位注射可显著减少PMN的数量,有效抑制PMN的浸润,减轻气道炎症。结论膻中穴位注射治疗哮喘豚鼠可以明显改善哮喘症状发作程度,具有良好的治疗作用。穴位注射治疗哮喘豚鼠可抑制气道炎症,其机制可能与减少气道中PMN的活化运动及其分泌的炎症组份,从而减轻气道炎症而实现的。“,”Objective To observe the ef ect on neutrophil (PMN) in lung tissue of the tanzhong (RN17) point-injection in asthmatic guinea pigs;so as to discuss the functionary approach and mechanism of point-injection in asthmatic prevention and treatment, for providing prevention and treatment of asthma with new ideas and bet er methods, and for laying certain foundation for the further study about the functionary mechanism of point-injection method in asthmatic treatment. Methods In experiment , fifty male Hol and guinea pigs were randomly divided into five groups with ten guinea pigs in each group:the blank control group, the model control group, the point injecting hout uynia group, the non-point injecting hout uynia group and the point injecting saline group. we succeed in copying the classical animal model of asthmatic guinea pigs with ovalbumin. After treatment of point-injection, we note the latent period of asthma, observe the degrees of asthma at ack and count the PMN numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Results Tanzhong point-injection ef ectively extend the latent period of asthma and relieve acute at ack of asthma symptoms. The result of PMN numbers in BALF can show: it can significantly decrease the PMN numbers, restrain the PMN infiltration and al eviate airway inflammation in guinea pigs with asthma. Conclusion Tanzhong point-injection can evidently improve the outbreak degrees of asthmatic symptoms and has pronounced the ef ect on guinea pigs with asthma.Futher more,the point injecting hout uynia group has the best ef ect.To treat asthmatic guinea pigs, point-injection can inhibit airway inflammation, which the mechanism may be achieved by decreasing the activation of the PMN and inflammatory components secreted by PMN.
目的 观察局部冰敷对关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后患者疼痛、肿胀,关节腔出血的影响.方法 选取在我院行膝关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后患者120例,分为两组,两组患者均常规使用
目的 了解男护生专业认同感水平,分析专业认同感与竞争态度的相关性.方法 采用自编一般情况问卷、护士专业认同评定量表、竞争态度量表(中国版)对我院在校本科2011级(大四)、