
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kency2008
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军人服役期间应当缴纳的保险费用由国家补助,在《军人保险法》2012年7月1日实施之前国家对军人保险费的补助是由地方财政承担的。现在《军人保险法》按照事权和财力相匹配的原则,将军人服役期间应当缴纳的保险费由地方财政承担,调整为由中央财政承担。但是,《军人保险法》无溯及力。因此,我们必须对《军人保险法》实施前后军人服役期间应当缴纳保险费补助来源不一致将导致的问题进行法理上的思考,并进一步完善中央财政关于军人保险费补助转移支付金及时核拨到位法律制度以及地方财政关于军人保险费补助转移支付及时核拨到位法律制度。 The amount of insurance premiums to be paid by military personnel during the service period shall be financed by the state. Before the implementation of the “Military Insurance Law” on July 1, 2012, the state subsidies for military service premiums are borne by the local finance. Now the “Military Insurance Law” in accordance with the principle of matching powers and financial resources, the insurance premiums to be paid during the service of a soldier shall be borne by the local finance and adjusted to be borne by the central finance. However, the Military Insurance Law has no retroactive effect. Therefore, we must give legal consideration to the problems caused by the inconsistency of sources of subsidies for premiums paid during military service before and after the implementation of the “Military Insurance Law” and further improve the central government’s financial guarantee system for the transfer of payment of premiums for military personnel in time. As well as the local finance on the transfer of military insurance premium subsidies timely verification of the legal system in place.
1.绪论rn正交频分复用(OFDM,Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)就是将串行的数据流分成若干个并行数据流,分别调制在正交的子载波上进行传输.OFDM系统不需要线性
我经常讲,互联网领域在时间维度上遵从的是“狗历”.狗的平均寿命是人的十分之一,所以互联网的节奏是传统行业的1 0倍.近期,这边厢“互联网+”和“+互联网”进行得如火如荼,
本文在阐释基于知识元和本体实现数字内容资源再组织的意义的基础上,提出了一种综合知识元和本体来组织数字内容资源的技术思路。“,”This paper analyses the significance