Design of a reconfigurable transcendental function generator

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkk0089
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In order to take into account the computing efficiency and flexibility of calculating transcendental functions, this paper proposes one kind of reconfigurable transcendental function generator. The generator is of a reconfigurable array structure composed of 30 processing elements(PEs). The coordinate rotational digital computer(CORDIC) algorithm is implemented on this structure. Different functions, such as sine, cosine, inverse tangent, logarithmic, etc., can be calculated based on the structure by reconfiguring the functions of PEs. The functional simulation and field programmable gate array(FPGA) verification show that the proposed method obtains great flexibility with acceptable performance. In order to take into account the computing efficiency and flexibility of calculating transcendental functions, this paper suggests one kind of reconfigurable transcendental function generator. The generator is of a reconfigurable array structure composed of 30 processing elements (PEs). The coordinate rotational digital computer ( CORDIC) algorithm is implemented on this structure. Different functional, such as sine, cosine, inverse tangent, logarithmic, etc., can be calculated based on the structure by reconfiguring the functions of PEs. The functional simulation and field programmable gate array ) verification show that the proposed method obtains great flexibility with acceptable performance.
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一、生态系统的概念及种群、群落的区别  由生物群落和它的无机环境相互作用而形成的统一整体叫生态系统。生态系统的空间范围有大有小,其中生物圈是地球上最大的生态系统,还可划分为海洋生态系统、森林生态系统、草原生态系统等。  例1 以下可被称为生态系统的是( )  A.一个湖泊中的浮游生物和所有分解者及无机环境  B.烧杯中取自池塘的水、泥土和浮游生物  C.一个池塘中的所有水蚤和分解者  D.一