
来源 :沈阳干部学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwj_10061
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12月27日,沈阳市社会主义学院召开建院60周年座谈会,市委副书记、宣传部部长韩东太出席会议并讲话,市领导王镇主持会议。韩东太在充分肯定沈阳市社会主义学院60年工作成绩的基础上指出,沈阳社院要牢记使命,明确方向,始终坚持“社院姓社”的基本原则,要坚持正确方向,牢固树立学院发展的思想基础;凝聚思想共识,真正筑牢教育培训的政治根基;加强组织建设,不断提升严守纪律规矩的行动自觉。韩东太强调,沈阳市社会主义学院要突出特色,服务大局,充分发挥学院教育 On December 27, Shenyang Institute of Socialism held a symposium on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Han Dongtai, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. Wang Zhen, leader of the city, presided over the meeting. On the basis of fully affirming the 60-year achievements of the Shenyang Institute of Socialism, Han Dongtai pointed out: The Shenyang Municipal People’s Government must keep its mission firmly in mind, clear its direction and always adhere to the basic principle of “surname and community in the community.” We must uphold the correct direction and firmly establish the college Develop the ideological basis; unite the consensus of ideas, truly build the political foundation of education and training; strengthen organizational construction, and constantly improve the discipline and discipline of the action consciously. Han Dongtai stressed that Shenyang Institute of Socialism should highlight the characteristics, serve the overall situation, give full play to college education
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·鹳雀喜欢栖于高楼。黄河滩上的鹳雀成群结队栖于楼上,人们便把此楼取名鹳雀楼。喜鹊在当地被认为是报喜鸟,也爱栖于高楼之上,所以,鹳雀楼又有一名叫鹳鹊楼。 Crane likes
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