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“国际对华投融资项目洽谈会”始创于1998年,是我国连续多年招商引资成功率最高的品牌会议之一,曾数次荣获国家商务部、科技部,教育部、信息产业部、知识产权局、中国贸促会、北京市人民政府等单位颁发的“最成功洽谈奖”。经多家国家级涉外机构共同倡导,本届洽谈会又把外资到位后如何提高使用效益提上日程,在引进国际资金的同时,还强调引进先进的技术和管理。组委会对拟来华寻找商机的2000余个投资顶目进行了认真筛选,并与有意扩大投资份额的欧美跨国公司、投资机构密切沟通,以期正确引导其资金在中国大陆的流向。目前,本次会议拟投放资金额度已超过16亿美元,组委会正在收集国内优秀的招商项目,以便有针对性的进行中外双方项目对接,增强国际合作的对接成功率。本次会议投资机构阵容强大,众多投资商聚集,将为我国企业寻求投资合作,拓宽投融资渠道提供更多的商机。我们诚挚地邀请各级政府和企业尽快将当地招商项目提供给组委会,以便及时发布给海外客商,提高招商引资的成功率。 “International Investment and Financing Project to China” was founded in 1998 and is one of the brand conferences with the highest success rate of investment for many years in a row in China. It has won several national brands such as Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Information Industry , Intellectual Property Office, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing Municipal People’s Government and other units awarded “Most Successful Negotiation Award ”. After several state-level foreign-related agencies jointly advocated, how to improve the efficiency of using foreign capital after the fair was put on the agenda, while introducing international funds, it also emphasized the introduction of advanced technology and management. The Organizing Committee carefully screened more than 2,000 top-level investment projects looking for business opportunities in China and closely communicated with multinational corporations and investment agencies in Europe and the United States who intend to expand their investment shares in order to guide the flow of their funds in mainland China properly. At present, the meeting plans to put in more than 1.6 billion U.S. dollars of capital. The organizing committee is collecting outstanding domestic investment projects so as to target targeted docking between Chinese and foreign projects and enhance the success rate of docking in international cooperation. The powerful line-up of investment institutions and the gathering of many investors at this meeting will provide more business opportunities for Chinese enterprises to seek investment cooperation and broaden channels of investment and financing. We sincerely invite governments at all levels and enterprises to provide local investment projects to the Organizing Committee as soon as possible in order to promptly release them to overseas customers and increase the success rate of attracting foreign investments.
苔  清·袁枚  白日不到处,青春恰自来。  苔花如米小,也学牡丹开。  【赏析】这首诗独辟蹊径,不仅全神贯注地写苔,而且把淡泊宁静、自强质拙的人格融入这小小生命。“白日不到处,青春恰自来。”起笔以少总多,辞约旨达,明自点出苔的生存空间、环境特征及其蛰居一隅奋志孤进的品地。常言道,万物生长靠太阳。这固然是实情。但在“万物”之外,却还有这样一些生命,它们无缘享有太阳的厚爱也同样顽强地生存与发展。苔,
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