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10万亩绿色蔬菜产业基地建设项目四川省绵阳市游仙区10万亩绿色蔬菜基地建设项目规划布局于绵阳城区清江河东岸一线的近郊4个镇(2400公顷),中郊8个乡镇(3700公顷),另在远郊(40公里)发展特色菜700公顷。项目规划区为12个镇乡(占全区镇乡50%),耕地面积14600公顷,农业人口189,057人,人均耕地面积866平方米,99年,规划区内蔬菜种植面积7000公顷,总产量15.4万吨,产值1.5亿元人民币。鲜菜一直供应和占领绵阳城区市场的70%左右,其余商品菜销往川西片区和西安、宝鸡、兰州等地。项目针对蔬菜消费以鲜为主的消费习惯,但又易腐难藏,且种类、品种繁多,生物学周期短,最易受有害物质浸染(尤以叶菜突出)的特点。定位于“从土地到餐桌”、“食品安全链”中的污染安全原料(蔬菜)生产活动实施综合控制,生产出无公害、无污染的安全优质 100,000 mu Green Vegetable Industrial Base Construction Project of 100,000 mu green vegetable base in Youxian District, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province Planning and layout The project is planned to be located in 4 towns (2,400 hectares) in the outskirts of the east coast of Qingjiang River in Mianyang City, 8 towns 3700 hectares) and another 700 hectares of specialties in the outer suburbs (40 kilometers). The planned area for the project is 12 townships and townships (accounting for 50% of the total townships and townships), the cultivated land area is 14,600 hectares, the agricultural population is 189,057 and the per capita arable land area is 866 square meters. In 1999, the planned vegetable planting area is 7,000 hectares and the total output is 15.4 Tons of tons, the output value of 150 million yuan. Fresh vegetables has been the supply and occupation of Mianyang City, about 70% of the market, the remaining vegetables sold in western Sichuan and Xi’an, Baoji, Lanzhou and other places. The project focuses on the consumption habits of fresh vegetables, but it is also perishable and difficult to hide. It has the characteristics of variety and variety, short biological cycle, and the most vulnerable to harmful substances (especially leafy vegetables). Locate in “from the land to the table ”, “food safety chain ” in the production of contaminated safety raw materials (vegetables) the implementation of integrated control to produce pollution-free, pollution-free safety and quality
宝马公司是第一家提供汽车和摩托车驾驶员专业培训的汽车公司。20多年前,多位赛车高手和宝马公司第一位首席训导师Rauno Aaltonen(著名的“芬兰飞人”)一起设定了宝马驾驶培
利用元素分析 ,1 HNMR,1 3CNMR,GCMS,IR,对由尼龙酸副产物 2亚环戊基环戊酮合成的内酯化产物进行了定性分析 ,确认内酯化产物为 δ 环戊基 δ 内酯香料单体 The lactonizati
通过试验优化了RE(Ce)Cu合金和PCu合金在铸造纯铜风口套中的添加比例及顺序,讨论了两种合金对风口套铸造中的组织净化、晶粒细化和综合性能提高的作用及效果 The proportion and ord