
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jpyssy
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Objectives: To identify the effect of vertical hepatitis C virus (HCV) infecti on or exposure on growth in childhood. Study design: Children (n = 1203) born to HCV-infected mothers were followed up from birth prospectively in centers of t he European Paediatric Hepatitis C virus Network. Z-scores compared height-and weight-for-age in HCV-infected and -uninfected children, adjusting for othe r factors using linear regression. We also quantified the effect of maternal chr onic infection with HCV on childhood growth. Results: There was no significant e ffect of vertical HCV infection on growth (height P = .223, weight P = .095) nor a significant effect of maternal chronic infection with HCV (height P = .733, w eight P = .274). Prematurity and maternal injecting drug use were associated wit h a significant reduction in height (P < .001) and weight (P < .001) in all HCV -exposed children. Conclusions: This population of HCV exposed infants has high er rates of maternal injecting drug use and prematurity than standard population s and so there are implications for growth of these children, but this is not a direct result of HCV infection or exposure to chronic maternal HCV infection. Objectives: To identify the effect of vertical hepatitis C virus (HCV) infecti on or exposure on growth in childhood. Study design: Children (n = 1203) born to HCV-infected mothers were followed up from birth prospectively in centers of t he European Z-scores compared height-and weight-for-age in HCV-infected and -uninfected children, adjusting for othe r factors using linear regression. We also quantified the effect of maternal chr onic infection with HCV on childhood Results: There was no significant efect of vertical HCV infection on growth (height P = .223, weight P = .095) nor a significant effect of maternal chronic infection with HCV (height P = .733, w eight P = .274). Prematurity and maternal injecting drug use were associated wit ha significant reduction in height (P <.001) and weight (P <.001) in all HCV-exposed children. Conclusions: This population of HCV exposed infants has high er rates of maternal injecting drug use an d prematurity than standard population s and so there are both implications for growth of these children, but this is not a direct result of HCV infection or exposure to chronic maternal HCV infection.
2014年10月9日,于秦皇岛港检疫锚地在来自阿根廷BAHIA BLANCA港的塞浦路斯籍“迪米特里斯”轮(M.V.DIMITRIS APESAKIS)上采获2只输入性雄性蠓类.其中1只雄性毛蠓经鉴定为新种
目的 调查云南河口口岸吸血蠓的种类分布和生态习性.方法 2017年在云南河口口岸地区牛舍、鸡舍、猪舍和鸭舍,采用诱虫灯采集吸血蠓.结果 在河口口岸地区共采获吸血蠓2属20种1
目的 探讨乙肝病毒(HBV)e抗体(抗HBe)检测在HBV既往感染中的价值.方法 选取2016-2018年检测过HBV DNA及HBV标志物(HBV-M)的血液样本760份,用化学发光法(CMIA)检测HBV核心抗体
目的 分析实时荧光RT-PCR检测登革病毒(DENV)临床样本的影响因素,为提高检测结果的可靠性提供依据.方法 收集DENV感染者唾液和尿液样本,分别用硅胶膜法和磁珠法提取核酸,用3
本文以某生产制造型企业信息化工作为背景,探讨如何根据企业现状进行异构数据源的集成,并以Mysql和Oracle 9i关系数据库为实例,介绍了低成本的数据移植方法,指出了建立企业级
目的 调查日照口岸首例输入性卵形疟病例确诊过程,为口岸防控输入性疟疾提供科学依据.方法 对1名从非洲回国的劳务人员进行流行病学调查,同时采用胶体金法、血涂片镜检法和荧
目的 掌握重庆口岸出国移民人员活动性肺结核流行现状.方法 选取2014-2018年重庆市健康之友国际诊所赴英国及澳大利亚移民体检者中X线胸片异常者,对痰涂片镜检、痰培养及药敏
0 概述矿山选厂的过程控制和自动化的主要目的在于保持合适的选矿作业条件,稳定生产过程并力求实现生产过程的最佳化,从而提高各项技术经济指标。主要表现在以下几个方面:(1
目的 调查安徽口岸地区蜱的种类、分布、季节消长情况.方法 2018-2019年,在安徽省7个口岸的不同生境,用布旗法采集野外的游离蜱,用宿主体表捕捉法收集寄生蜱.对采集的蜱进行
目的 探究医院获得性上呼吸道感染患儿血清中降钙素原(PCT)、C-反应蛋白(CRP)、白介素-6(IL-6)的水平变化及应用价值.方法 收集2017年12月-2019年1月在涟水人民医院住院治疗