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我国西南山区普遍存在典型折线型岸坡,后缘为岩质边坡,被结构面切割成危岩带,一方面危岩崩塌威胁坡体上场镇安全,另一方面,崩坡积物堆在斜坡上,演化成滑坡威胁下部街道的安全。同时前缘受河水冲刷侵蚀,形成牵引式滑坡,直接导致坡体上建构筑物损毁,威胁着场镇住户的生命财产安全。对这类岸坡,需要分类调查坡体上地质灾害发育情况,查明坡体前后缘及其中部变形特征,分析岸坡演化过程,有针对性地采取防治加固措施。本文以江陵滑坡为实例,分别调查后缘危岩带、中部古滑坡、前缘新滑坡的变形特征及其演化过程,采取“抗滑桩(桩板墙)支挡+地表排水+危岩治理”的综合治理措施对岸坡进行防治加固,效果良好。 The typical polygonal bank slope in southwest China is widespread, the trailing edge is a rock slope, which is cut into dangerous rock zone by the structural plane. On the one hand, the collapse of dangerous rock threatens the safety of the on-the-ground town; on the other hand, On the slopes, landslides have evolved to threaten the safety of the lower streets. At the same time, the front edge is washed and eroded by rivers and forms a traction landslide, which directly leads to the destruction of the structures on the slope and threatens the life and property safety of the residents in the town. For such banks, the classification of geological hazards on the slope should be carried out to investigate the deformation characteristics of the front and the back of the slope and the middle part of the slope, analyze the evolution process of the bank slope, and take targeted measures for prevention and reinforcement. Taking Jiangling landslide as an example, this paper investigates the deformation characteristics and evolution of new landslides in the rear margin, the middle landslide and the front margin, respectively, and adopts “anti-slide piles (pile wall) support + surface drainage + dangerous rock Governance ”comprehensive prevention and control measures to shore slope reinforcement, the effect is good.
为使从事介入治疗医护人员免受射线损伤 ,选从事介入治疗人员 48人 ,医院放射线科人员 93人及对照组 6 5人 ,检测末梢血中白细胞总数、淋巴细胞染色体畸变率。结果发现 ,从事
对 18 0名介入放射学诊疗医生外周血淋巴细胞微核率进行了观察分析。结果表明介入放射组人员的微核率 (3 0 4‰ )与阳性检出率 (31% )明显高于正常对照组 (1 2‰ ,13 4% ) ,
Effect of Binder on the Reduction of Pellet Containing Coal Char JIANG Wu-feng~1,LI Yun-gang~1,ZHAO Li-guo~1,LU Qing~1,LIU Yu-quan~2(1.Hebei Institute of Techno
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对秦皇岛市存在一氧化碳、氨、锰、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、二甲基甲酰胺、汞、氰化物等化学品的企业进行了职业接触管理现状的调查 ,共调查企业 32家 ,作业工人 135 1人。通过调
对上海某印刷橡胶业发生苯中毒进行了流行病学调查。该厂在生产印刷橡胶布中使用纯苯作为橡胶溶剂 ,车间空气苯平均浓度高达 2 0 7 5 4mg/m3 。在 5年中对 33名接触纯苯者进