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首先阐释机构库IR知识组织面临的知识资源获取困难、知识组织方法单一的现状。具体体现在:用户参与的积极性不高,即用户了解IR不深入、用户心存疑虑、用户可选择使用IR替代物;知识组织方法不够灵活,即超文本技术、知识关联等的应用不充分。基于此,对引入用户参与理念及应用的必要性进行分析。指出用户参与有助于丰富IR内容和用户体验,优化知识资源组织结构。最后,提出能够调动用户参与机构库知识组织的3种方式:引入Personas,理解用户需求;构建ResearcherPages,走近用户主体;集成blog/wiki,丰富用户体验。 First of all, it expounds the current situation that IR knowledge organization of institutional repository faces difficulties in obtaining knowledge resources and single knowledge organization method. This is reflected in the fact that the enthusiasm of the users is not high, that is, the users know that the IR is not in-depth, the users have doubts, and the users can choose to use the IR substitutes. The knowledge organization method is not flexible enough, that is, the application of hypertext technology and knowledge correlation is not sufficient. Based on this, the necessity of introducing user participation concept and application is analyzed. Pointed out that user participation helps to enrich the IR content and user experience and optimize the organizational structure of knowledge resources. Finally, we put forward three ways to mobilize users to participate in the organization of knowledge base: introducing Personas, understanding user needs; building ResearcherPages, approaching the main part of the user; integrating blog / wiki, enriching the user experience.
 你每一次挫折都被视为荣誉,  命运打击你时,你应对它微笑。  人们见你每一次落下,  就比上一次升得更高。  这是法国浪漫主义文学最杰出的代表雨果留下的诗行。大师一
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在邓拔奇诞辰110周年之际,我与怀集县党史办的同志踏入了邓拔奇历尽艰险、力挽狂澜的广西梧州、贵港、武宣、桂平和平南等地,实地感悟他当年的战斗风采。在当地党史部门的热情协助下,我们访遗址、查资料、听介绍,对邓拔奇在土地革命战争时期肩负党中央的重托,恢复和重建党组织,领导农民运动的战斗经历有了进一步的了解,其知险而进、不怕牺牲的精神深深震撼了我。缅怀这段峥嵘岁月就是对他最好的纪念。  1927年春,正
“给狗一根骨头算不上仁慈。仁慈是当你和狗一样饥饿时,你仍能与狗分享一根骨头。(A bone to the dog is not charity.Charity is the bone shared with the dog,when you ar
在英语教学中教师创设和利用情境组织课堂教学,可以更好的激发学生的学习主动性,确立学生学习的主体地位,提高学习效果。 In the English teaching, teachers create and us
近年来,我国中等职业教育出现了滑坡,招生人数递减,毕业生就业率降低,许多中等职业学 校的处境十分艰难。仔细剖析,专业划分过细,课程结构与教学内容缺乏弹性,教材陈旧,不重