
来源 :铁路标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pptcwu
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近两年修改的单綫衬砌和洞門图专隧0001,专隧0002及双綫衬砌和洞門图专隧0003,专隧0004,已于1964年由(64)鉴委字第504及464号文批准为标准图。为了进一步作好技术交底,茲对上述四套图作若干說明,以便設計、施工时参考选用。同时提出若干問題,以便在今后工作中注意提高充实完善。有关单綫鉄路隧道衬砌(专隧0001)的一些問題 一、关于衬砌結构設計方面的問題: 1. 設計中扩大了直牆式衬砌的使用范围。可用于f=1.5的地层中,并相应地减薄了衬砌厚度,使結构設計更趋于經济合理。从計算上来講,在側压力較小的地层中衬砌边牆截面的法向力、偏心距都很小,近似于中心受压,强度儲备較大,改为直边牆是有条件的。至于改成直牆后对拱頂截面的影响,經計算結果証明这种影响亦不大。表1为直曲牆衬砌安全系数的比較。 In the recent two years, the amendments were made to the single-line lining of tunnels and tunnels, the special tunnel 0002 and the double-lane lining tunnels and tunnels with tunnels 0003 and the special tunnel 0004. In 1964, they were commissioned by (64) Commission Code Nos. 504 and 464 Approved as a standard map. In order to further improve the quality of technical writing, I hereby give some explanations on the above four sets of plans for the reference of design and construction. At the same time, a number of issues should be put forward so as to improve and perfect the work in the future. Some questions about the lining of a single-lane bilge tunnel (Special Tunnel 0001) A, Lining structural design issues: 1. The design has expanded the use of straight-wall lining. It can be used in the formation with f = 1.5 and the lining thickness is thinned accordingly, which makes the structure design more economical and reasonable. In terms of calculation, the normal force and eccentricity of the cross section of the lining wall in the formation with small lateral pressure are very small, which is similar to the central compression and the larger strength reserve. It is conditional to change the straight wall. As for the straight wall after the impact on the cross-section of the arch, the results show that this effect is not large. Table 1 is the comparison of the safety coefficient of straight curved wall lining.
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香菇菌丝发好后,菌简要经过转色,进而形成一层菌膜。菌膜具有一定的韧性,与段木的树皮相同,具有调温保湿、防止杂菌侵入等作用。 Lentinula edodes hair, the bacteria bri
叶通常绿色,有规律地着生在枝、于或根茎上,是植物进行光合作用制造有机物质和蒸腾水分的器官。花卉观赏植物中,许多种类叶型和叶色多变,供作观叶植物广泛栽培。 Leaves us