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冷浸稻田由于水温低,很容易发生青苔,影响水稻分蘗和生长发育,如靠排水晒田,因有地下冷泉水,不易排净,如施用硫酸铜,花钱较多,且供不应求。大悟县先锋人民公社推广撒施大麦颖壳进行防治,1958年防治了256亩,1959年防治了375亩,效果均达100%,施后1—2天,青苔即全部消解。施用方法是;1.在施用前,把稻田的水层适当放浅1寸以下。2.把大麦颖壳(即打场肘碾过扬下来的颖壳及麦芒等物)撒在有青苔的地方,撒一分多厚,最好是在上午撒,如有太阳,可在当天下午撒,撒后第二天长青苔地方的水温可提高7—9℃,青苔即开始消解。然后用脚或秧扒(中耕器)把大麦颖壳踩入或翻入行间泥里,作为水稻追肥。 Cold paddy rice fields because of low water temperature, it is prone to moss, rice tillering and growth and development, such as by drainage Shaitan, because of underground cold spring water, not easy to drain, such as the use of copper sulfate, spend more, and in short supply. The pioneer people’s commune in Dawu County popularizes and spreads the barley maize shell for prevention and control. 256 mu was controlled and controlled in 1958 and 375 mu was prevented and controlled in 1959, all reaching 100%. After 1-2 days of application, the moss was completely digested. The method of application is; 1. Before application, the water layer of rice fields shall be properly drained under 1 inch. 2. Spread the barley husks (ie, the husks and ears of wheat and other objects rolled over by the elbows) over the moss and spread a thick, thick piece of coffee, preferably in the morning, and if the sun is on the day Sprinkle in the afternoon, the second day after the sprinkling of moss water temperature can be increased by 7-9 ℃, moss began digestion. Then use the foot or seedling Grilled (cultivator) barley gluten into the mud or into the line between the mud, as topdressing rice.
目的:旨在探索CM-I的发病机制,为其综合诊断标准的提出奠定基础。   方法:对CM-I患者及正常人各30例行头CT、MRI检查并进行后颅窝形态学分析。   结果:CM-I组MRI测量指
The unforeseen mobile data explosion poses a major challenge to the performance of today’s cellular networks, and cellular networks are in urgent need of novel
一引言自從蘇聯李森柯院士培育了分枝小麥,大大的提高了小麥的產量以後,關於這類問題的研究,巳广泛地引起了我国农业科学工作者的重视。 蘇聯偉大的自然改造者米邱林曾指示