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芳芳是某高校大四学生。可去年底,学习成绩一直优秀的她不仅学习成绩大幅下降,体重也减轻了不少。眼看还有两个多月就该考研了,芳芳及家人都非常着急。于是芳芳妈硬是领着芳芳来到了咨询室。芳芳妈妈说,女儿从小学习就好,全家人对她寄予了很高的希望。为了给她创造良好的学习环境,全家人的生活节奏一直随着芳芳转。尤其是高三那年,家里更是草木皆兵:早上绝不在她起床之前发出任何声音,晚上谁也不准看电视。如果芳芳考试分数名列前茅,全家人就一起开心;要是她偶尔发挥不理想,大家就会一起难过好几天……芳芳告诉咨询师,家人对她的期望值很高,也付出了很多。高考是顺利过关了,大学也快毕业了,可家人又坚持让她考研究生,她感到压力很大,总怕万一考不上,对不起家人。越想,越难以集中精力,她常常是看了半天的书却不知所云,复习进度特别慢,这使她更加灰心。到后来,一听到“考试”二字她就紧张。 Fang Fang is a college seniors. The end of last year, she has been outstanding academic performance, she not only a substantial decline in academic performance, weight has also lightened a lot. Seeing that there are more than two months on the Kaoyan, Fang Fang and his family are very anxious. So Fong Fong mother and faded Fang Fang came to the consulting room. Fang Fang mother said her daughter learned from childhood, the whole family put her high hopes. In order to create a good learning environment for her, the pace of life of the whole family has been turning around. Especially in the third year of high school, the family is even more defensive. In the morning she never made any sound before she got up and no one was allowed to watch TV at night. If Fangfang test scores top, the family together happy; if she occasionally play not ideal, we will be sad for several days ... ... Fang Fang told the consultant, her family’s expectations are high, but also paid a lot. College entrance examination is smooth, and graduated from college soon, but the family insisted that she can take a postgraduate examination, she felt a lot of pressure, fear that if the test is not on the whole, I am sorry family. The more I think, the harder it is to concentrate, and she often reads a long book that is unintelligible and the review is particularly slow, which makes her even more discouraged. Later, when I heard the word “test” she was nervous.
目的了解汶川地震灾区健康人群流行性脑膜炎(流脑)A群、C群抗体水平,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。方法 采集灾区灾民安置点中5~年龄组、10~年龄组、15~年龄组及25~年龄组健康人
Objective:To investigate the protective effects and mechanisms of action of dexamethasone and Salvia miltiorrhiza on multiple organs in rats with severe acute p