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校企合作是高校实习教学的重要方式,是实现教育人才培养模式的有效手段。本文针对当前校企合作现状,指出目前的合作还只是低层次的合作,并对如何提高化工实习教学效果进行了论述,提出了更新观念、设立办学指导委员会、建立教师的校企轮岗制度、进行校企合作培训等方式,以提高化工实习教学的效果,保证高校实习教育的质量。 School-enterprise cooperation is an important way to practice teaching in colleges and universities, and an effective means to realize educational personnel training mode. In this paper, according to the current status quo of cooperation between schools and enterprises, it is pointed out that the current cooperation is only a low-level cooperation, and how to improve the teaching effect of chemical engineering practice is discussed. Some suggestions are put forward such as renewing the concept, establishing a steering committee for schools, establishing a school-enterprise rotation system for teachers, Conduct school-enterprise cooperation training and other ways to improve the effectiveness of chemical industry teaching to ensure the quality of internship education in colleges and universities.
The coverage probability of both the cellular users and the Device-to-Device (D2D) users are analyzed.We assume that the cellular users are able to communicatio
毛竹、桂竹、雷竹等散生竹,是靠地下鞭发笋进行繁殖的。由于竹鞭有趋向疏松和肥沃土壤生长的特性,所以垦复松土和施肥,可诱导竹鞭向外生长,扩大竹林。这是发展竹林生 Bambo
In order to investigate the rules on preparation of titanium silicalite (TS-1) the 1H→13C CP/MAS NMR spectrometers were applied to track the function of templa
“电子阅读”正经历一场深刻变革。这场变革正在产业链的各个层面上展开:就在一两年前,人们还认为亚马逊的Kindle代表了电子阅读的未来,今年4月,随着苹果iPad的全面上市,舆论风向随之一变,“iPad将终结Kindle”的言论甚嚣尘上;也给Kindle所采用的“电子纸”显示技术的命运增添了变数。  更为关键的竞争点,则瞄准了电子阅读内容和分发平台的争夺,亚马逊虽有先发优势,但正面临苹果的强大挑战。