
来源 :中国学校体育(高等教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a81569476
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在现行体育教学活动多元化发展时期,集体舞的综合教育功能逐渐突显,在中小学和高职院校所有学段的体育课中运用有利于学生在体育艺术素养方面的培养。采用文献资料法、观察法,通过理论分析,结合实践体验,论述了集体舞的特点:1)在动作结构方面显示动作简单、左右对称,数量宜少,重复有规律;2)在动作形态方面显示动作语意清晰,动作符号明显,风格突出;3)在表现形式方面维持最基本的方阵形、圆圈型(单圈、双圈)、队列形等,少数呈现不规则的三角形、半圆形、十字形或者自由松散的队形,变化配合方式多变,有规律;4)集体舞的音乐普遍选择主题鲜明、风格突出、节奏明显、乐段整齐的音乐。根据集体舞的特点解析集体舞在体育课中运用的普适性原则、功能性原则、艺术性原则,并依据每个原则阐述集体舞在体育课中运用方法的灵活多样。 In the period of diversified development of current PE teaching activities, the integrated education function of collective dance gradually becomes more prominent. The use of PE in all the sections of primary and secondary schools and vocational colleges is conducive to students’ training in artistic accomplishment of sports. This paper discusses the characteristics of collective dance through literature analysis and observation, through theoretical analysis and practical experience. 1) It shows simple movements, symmetrical left and right, small quantity and repetitive regularity in the movement structure; 2) Action clear semantics, clear action symbols, style prominent; 3) in the form of expression to maintain the most basic square shape, circle type (single lap, double lap), the formation of the queue, a small number of irregular triangular, semicircular, Cross-shaped or loose formation, changes and cooperation with changing, regular; 4) collective dance music generally choose distinct themes, prominent style, obvious rhythm, neat music. According to the characteristics of collective dance, this article analyzes the universal principle, functional principle and artistic principle of collective dance in physical education class and expounds the flexible and diverse method of collective dance in physical education class according to each principle.
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