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目的通过“云南省血吸虫病信息管理系统”软件,分析在血防信息管理软件开发过程中的得与失。方法描述2004年大理州血防所开发的“云南省血吸虫病信息管理系统”软件的全过程。结果“云南省血吸虫病信息管理系统”开发顺利完成和通过验收,达到立项的设计要求。由于使用的报表格式发生了较大变化,“云南省血吸虫病信息管理系统”未能推广使用。结论管理软件开发费用大、周期长,由血防专业人员开发既能节约费用,亦能更好满足工作需要。软件开发既要考虑基层人员使用和满足上一级部门的要求,也应考虑到血防工作信息量大的特点和信息管理不断变化的实际问题,软件要有持续再开发的接口,满足各个阶段血防工作信息管理。 Objective Through the “Yunnan Province schistosomiasis information management system ” software, analysis of the gains and losses in the development of blood prevention information management software. Methods The whole process of “Yunnan Province schistosomiasis information management system” software developed by Dali Prefecture in 2004 was described. Results “Yunnan schistosomiasis information management system ” developed successfully completed and passed the acceptance, to meet the design requirements of the project. As the report format used has undergone major changes, “Yunnan Province schistosomiasis information management system ” failed to promote the use of. Conclusion The development of management software is costly and long-term. It is not only cost-effective but also better developed to meet the needs of work. Software development should not only consider the grass-roots personnel to use and meet the requirements of the higher authorities, but also should take into account the characteristics of large-scale work of blood-protection and information management of the changing real problems, the software should continue to redevelop the interface to meet the various stages of bloodshed Work information management.
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