坚定信心 迎难而上 为我省经济建设作出新的贡献

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全省公安消防部队工作会议已于1月27日在杭州闭幕。会议以邓小平理论和党的十五大精神为指针,全面总结了去年的消防工作,深刻分析了我省消防工作面临的形势,对今年的消防工作作出了全面部署。这次会议对于全面推进我省公安消防部队建设具有重要的意义。 过去的一年,是全党全军全国各族人民全面贯彻落实党的十五大精神,经受住亚洲金融危机挑战,全面战胜特大洪涝灾害,取得巨大成就的一年,也是我国消防史上值得大书特书的一年,我国第一部消防法——《中华人民共和国消防法》颁布实施,由此掀开了依法治灾的新纪元;全省公安消防部队按照“举旗帜、抓班子、强素质、防大火”的工作思路,实现了“火灾稳定、队伍稳定”两大工作目标。在这不平凡的一年里,我省消防部队建设出现了可喜的局面:思想政治建设取得了新成效;组织建设,干部队伍建设上了新台阶;消防监督工作打开了新局面;社会消防环境有了新改善;灭火灾战能力 The provincial public security and fire brigade working conference was closed on January 27 in Hangzhou. The conference, taking Deng Xiaoping Theory and the spirit of the 15th Party Congress as a guide, comprehensively summarized last year’s firefighting work, profoundly analyzed the situation we are facing with firefighting work in our province, and made a comprehensive plan for this year’s firefighting work. This meeting is of great significance to comprehensively promoting the construction of public security and fire brigades in our province. The past year was a year that the entire party, the army and people of all ethnic groups across the country have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 15th Party Congress and stood the challenge of the Asian financial crisis and comprehensively defeated the devastating floods and made tremendous achievements. Book special book year, China’s first fire law - “Fire Law of the People’s Republic of China” promulgated and implemented, which opened a new era of disaster management according to law; the province’s public security and fire brigade in accordance with “give the banner, grasping team, strong Quality, fire prevention ”work train of thought, to achieve the“ fire stability, team stability, ”the two major objectives. In this extraordinary year, there has been a gratifying situation in the construction of the fire brigade in our province: the ideological and political construction has made new achievements; the building of cadres and the contingent of cadres have reached a new stage; the fire supervision has opened up a new prospect; the social fire environment With new improvements; fire fighting capacity
一、从童年到青年记忆的苦涩 《婆婆丁的故事》开篇是构思别致的散文《大地的爱》,写的是作者童年记忆中卖花翁的故事,同时向世人报告了齐齐哈尔这一个古老而有韵味的,名字—
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啄木鸟敲出笃笃的打字声  夕阳挥动絳红色的笔  在松树林里写下一首会生长的诗  草丛是短句  树木是长句  一朵绽放的野花是深深的抒情  风来了  树叶们噼噼啪啪鼓掌  狗尾草上的韵脚滚落满地  雨来了  小松树冒出一双双黑耳朵  听雨朗诵这首诗  那只松鼠从林间闪过时  咬走了一口安静  诗就这样碎了  剩下一胆小的影子  藏在树的背后悄悄生长