Polyamine Alterations in Isolated Zucchini Cotyledons Grown in Presence of Cytokinins and Cu<

来源 :美国植物学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaixin0322
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Polyamines are small nitrogen-containing organic molecules, which are widely distributed in plants. They are involved in the regulation of normal plant growth and developmental processes. In this study we examined the role of polyamines on the growth of C
放学时,许多学校门前,都能看到这种盛况:家长默默站在校门两侧,孩子们欢呼雀跃地跑出来,几乎所有书包顷刻间便转移到大人手中,头发斑白的爷爷奶奶将巧克力、糖葫芦送到自家“宝贝”手中。于是孩子在前面边吃边走,老人在身后如仆人般紧紧跟随。  呵护是一顶美丽的伞,对于尚未抵达青春彼岸的童心来说,確实让人感到无比温馨和陶醉。  可是,你过了青春之河,这美丽之伞就成了令人窒息的阴云,让你跌倒了总不想爬起来。  
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