
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gustczh
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Recent progress in the genetics of migraine has refocused attention on cortical dysfunction as an important component of the pathophysiology of this disorder. In previous work, we have demonstrated functional changes in the visual cortex of migraine patients, using an objective transcranial magnetic stimulation technique, termed magnetic suppression of perceptual accuracy (MSPA). This study aimed to replicate previous findings in migraine with aura (MA) and to use the technique to examine migraine without aura (MoA). Eight MA patients, 14 MoA patients and 13 migraine- free controls participated. MSPA assessments were undertaken using a standardized protocol in which computer- presented letter targets were followed at a variable delay interval by a single magnetic pulse delivered over the occiput. MSPA performance is expressed as a profile of response accuracy across target- pulse delay intervals. The profiles of migraine- free controls exhibited a normal U- shape. MA patients had significantly shallower profiles, showing little or no suppression at intermediate delay intervals. MoA patients had profiles that were similar to controls. Recent animal evidence strongly indicates that the U- shape of the normal MSPA function is caused by preferential activation of inhibitory neurons. Shallower MSPA profiles in MA patients are therefore likely to indicate a functional hyperexcitability caused by impaired inhibition. The finding of normal MSPA profiles in MoA patients is novel and will require further investigation. Recent progress in the genetics of migraine has refocused attention on cortical dysfunction as an important component of the pathophysiology of this disorder. In previous work, we have demonstrated functional changes in the visual cortex of migraine patients, using an objective transcranial magnetic stimulation technique, This study aimed to replicate previous findings in migraine with aura (MA) and to use the technique to examine migraine without aura (MoA). Eight MA patients, 14 MoA patients and 13 migraine- free controls participated. MSPA assessments were undertaken using a standardized protocol in which computer-presented letter targets were followed at a variable delay interval by a single magnetic pulse delivered over the occiput. MSPA performance is expressed as a profile of response accuracy across target-pulse delay intervals The profiles of migraine- free controls exhibited a normal U-shape. MA patients had signi Recent animal evidence strongly indicates that the U-shape of the normal MSPA function is caused by preferential activation of inhibitory neurons. Shallower MSPA profiles in MA patients are likely to indicate a functional hyperexcitability caused by impaired inhibition. The finding of normal MSPA profiles in MoA patients is novel and will require further investigation.
9月11日 晴  自从上次兔子赛跑输给乌龟以后,心里很不服气,天天希望能再和乌龟赛一次。而乌龟得胜后,天天过着逍遥自在的生活,还成了动物王国的大明星。  森林中虎大王要举办一次“土豪杯”比赛,冠军可获得十五平方米的菜园子,还有一万元奖金。兔子见这是报仇的好时机,连夜写了一封挑战书给乌龟,说要在比赛那天再比一比真本领,乌龟爽快地答应了。  比赛这一天,小动物们都赶来看热闹。  第一关是跑步。跑步是兔
我们不可能在金融以外的领域备受煎熬的同时,拥有繁荣兴旺的华尔街;在这个国家,我们患难与共。  —奥巴马    在奥巴马宣誓就职之前,越来越多的文章热衷讨论和分析奥巴马时代的经济政策和经济走向,因为金融危机的枷锁实在太沉重,而解开这个枷锁的要求实在太迫切。但不要太乐观,奥巴马并不能一夜之间解决所有的经济问题。  确实,奥巴马的胜利代表着一种重视科技的姿态和政策倾向的胜利。如果说得更实在一点,奥巴马的
肝炎后肝硬化合并胆结石临床颇为常见 ,并明显高于正常人群。笔者就我院 1 995~ 2 0 0 1年收治的肝炎后肝硬化 475例进行 B超观察 ,并对其发病机理进行扼要讨论。1 临床资料