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大千世界中微不足道的小生灵蚂蚁,正在中国悄然兴起一个崭新的产业。据专家估算,中国大陆蚂蚁系列制品的年销售收入已逾10亿元。在中国,蚂蚁成为攻克类风湿关节炎和乙型肝炎这两道困扰医学界难题的灵丹妙药。无数类风湿、乙肝等疾病患者,靠吃蚂蚁药摆脱了疾患之苦。不仅如此,蚁药还可治疗男性不育症、性功能障碍、糖尿病、脑血栓等多种疾病,并具有抗衰老、抗疲劳作用。蚁王壮骨液、蚂蚁茶、蚂蚁乙肝宁、蚁王口服液等一系列的蚂蚁药品、食品、保健品,源源不断地应运而生,进入千家万户。数以千万计的中国老百姓,为了强身、健本、抗疲劳、抗衰老,纷纷加入食用蚂蚁制品的队伍。由山东蚂蚁保健品公司等单位研制、并被列为山东省高科技火炬项目的新药——蚁王壮骨液,在通过专家鉴定后,最近投入批量生产。公司经理张广军介绍说,蚁王壮骨液属中医药范畴,是治疗多种虚损性疾病的保健品。该药以野生良种蚂蚁为主药,佐以含有大量维生素C的金丝小枣,并以中医药理论为指导与传统名贵药材枸杞、天麻、首乌等相配伍,按特定工艺酿造而成。其功能对风湿、类风湿性关节炎、增生性关节炎等疾症有独特的疗效,对过度疲劳而致的神经衰弱、失 The tiny ancestors of the small creatures in the world are quietly rising a new industry in China. According to experts’ estimates, the annual sales revenue of ant series products in mainland China has exceeded RMB 1 billion. In China, ants have become a panacea for rheumatoid arthritis and hepatitis B, both of which trouble the medical profession. Countless patients suffering from rheumatism, hepatitis B and other diseases, get rid of the pain by eating ant medicine. Not only that, ant drugs can also treat male infertility, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases, and have anti-aging and anti-fatigue effects. A series of ant medicines, foods, and health products such as Ant King Zhuangguye, Ant Tea, Ant Bingganing, and Ant King Oral Liquid have emerged in succession and have entered thousands of households. Tens of millions of Chinese people have joined the ranks of consuming ant products in order to strengthen their health, improve their health, resist fatigue and resist aging. Developed by Shandong Ant Health Products Co., Ltd. and listed as a new drug in Shandong Province’s high-tech torch project, ant Wang Zhuang Bone Liquid was recently put into mass production after expert appraisal. Zhang Guangjun, manager of the company, said that ant Wang Zhuangguye is a category of Chinese medicine and is a health care product for the treatment of a variety of catastrophic diseases. The medicine is based on wild bred ants, and is supplemented with gold silk jujube containing a large amount of vitamin C. It is based on the theory of Chinese medicine and is compatible with traditional precious medicinal materials such as wolfberry, gastrodia, and shouwu. It is brewed according to a specific process. Its function has unique curative effect on rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, proliferative arthritis and other diseases, neurasthenia and loss caused by excessive fatigue.
日本光学机械电子协会于1992年受托调查研究美国的光学机械电子产业的状况,以下为调查报告之二的大概内容。 The Japan Opto-Mechanical Electronics Association was comm
对今后如何健康地进一步发展我国化学制药工业,国家医药管理局和各省市医药管理部门已有不少文件、规划。本文就作者本人的研究分析,提出一些供参考的建议。 一、当前化学制
一、概况日本武田药厂(日本名:武田药品工业株式会社,英文名:Takeda Chemical Industries,Ltd.)创立于1781年,经过200多年的开拓,已成为日本最大的药厂,也是世界著名的药厂
据美国《化工市场导报》杂志报道,美国能源部投资6300多万美元,用于研究与开发利用氢气代替汽油作汽车燃料。科学家们认为氢气将是21世纪后半期汽车的主要燃料。 氢气具有对