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目的比较桂林市城区与山区麻疹流行病学特征,探讨相关的影响因素。方法对2006年城区和山区发生的疑似麻疹病例进行个案调查,用ELISA方法检测疑似病例及正常儿童的IgM、IgG抗体。结果发病率城区10.42/10万,山区50.36/10万;城区发病人群以外来流动人口居多(52.70%),山区以本地人口居多(94.05%);发病形式城区以散发为主并局灶性暴发,暴发病例占14.86%,山区呈片状大暴发,占全年病例100%;发病年龄城区以2岁以下为主,山区成年人较多,涉及各年龄段;城区麻疹传播有自限性、波及面小,山区传播速度快、波及面广;城区和山区发病人群有同源性,均来自农村。血清学检测IgG抗体,城区青少年阳性率100%,山区疑似病例阳性率59.65%。结论城区和山区在麻疹防控工作中都应加强基础免疫和麻疹复种工作,山区工作做得好,流入城区的人口有较高的免疫水平对城区控制麻疹有重要意义;山区要加强麻疹监测,提高监测系统的敏感性,及时采取防控措施,防止疫情蔓延。 Objective To compare the epidemiological characteristics of measles in urban areas and mountainous areas of Guilin and to explore the related influential factors. Methods A case investigation was conducted on suspected measles cases in urban areas and mountainous areas in 2006. ELISA and ELISA were used to detect IgM and IgG antibodies in suspected cases and normal children. Results The morbidity rate was 10.42 / lakh in urban area and 50.36 / lakh in mountainous areas. The floating population outside urban areas was mostly floating (52.70%), while the mountainous area was mostly local population (94.05%). , Outbreaks accounted for 14.86%, mountainous area was flaky outbreak, accounting for 100% of cases in the year; onset age in urban areas to 2 years of age, mountainous areas are more adults, involving all ages; urban measles transmission has self-limiting, The spread is small, the mountain spread fast, spreads a wide range; urban and mountain groups have homology, all from rural areas. Serological detection of IgG antibodies, urban adolescent-positive rate of 100%, the positive rate of mountainous suspected cases 59.65%. Conclusion In urban areas and mountainous areas, both basic immunization and measles re-seed should be strengthened in the prevention and control of measles. The work in mountainous areas should be done well. The higher immunization level of the population flowing into the urban areas is of great significance to urban measles control. Improve the sensitivity of the monitoring system and take timely prevention and control measures to prevent the epidemic from spreading.
跨子牙河独塔斜拉桥是正在研究和设计的高速铁路曲线斜拉桥 ,特点是高速铁路活载、柔性结构、曲线。着重介绍该桥技术设计阶段解决的一些重点技术问题 Cross-Zihe River sin
目的 探讨儿童腹股沟斜疝的外科治疗效果.方法 回顾性分析98例腹股沟斜疝患儿的临床资料.结果 98例全组治愈;无切口感染病例,发生阴囊血肿2例,经观察治疗3~5 d自行吸收,术后随
目的 探讨老年性原发性肝癌患者肝切除术的治疗效果和围手术期特点.方法 对我院1990 年1月至 2006年12月年龄≥60岁并行肝切除的89例原发性肝癌患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析