Relationship between Multi-Phase Formation and Molecular Structure for Liquid Crystal System

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hz_0752
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A mechanical model of liquid crystals (LCs) was used to explain the phase formation and thermal properties. The LC phases in the model are micro-machine systems consisting of an ensemble of molecular rotors, and some dynamic parameters in a semi-experiment molecular orbit method. A novel explanation on the multi-phase formation of LC system is obtained. It is found that the value of the critical rotational velocity is a key parameter for the characterization of each homologous series. The dipole moment of the molecules was also discussed. A mechanical model of liquid crystals (LCs) was used to explain the phase formation and thermal properties. The LC phases in the model are micro-machine systems consisting of an ensemble of molecular rotors, and some dynamic parameters in a semi-experiment molecular orbit method. A novel explanation on the multi-phase formation of LC system is obtained. It is found that the value of the critical rotational velocity is a key parameter for the characterization of each homologous series. The dipole moment of the molecules was also discussed.
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