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历史上,三江源曾是水草丰美、湖泊星罗棋布、野生动植物种群繁多的高原草甸区,被称为生态和生命的“净土”。但现实情况却不容乐观、令人警醒。近几十年来,由于天灾人祸等许多自然和人为因素的影响,整个青藏高原的生态环境已在明显恶化,形势日益严峻。目前,位于高原腹地的“三江源”随着全球气候的变暖,冰川、雪山逐年萎缩,众多江河、湖泊和湿地缩小、干涸;沙化、水土流失的面积仍在不断扩大;荒漠化和草地退化问题日益突出;长期的滥垦乱伐使大面积的草地和近一半的森林遭到严重破坏;虫鼠害肆虐;珍稀野生动物盗猎严重;无序的黄金开采及冬虫夏草的采挖屡禁不止;受威胁的生物物种占总类的20%以上,远高于世界10%—15%的平均水平,部分地区的居民已难以生存,被迫搬迁他乡。 Historically, the Three Rivers was once a land of plateaus and meadows dotted with lakes and rivers and rich in wild flora and fauna. It is called the “Pure Land” of ecology and life. However, the reality is not optimistic, it is awake. In recent decades, due to many natural and man-made factors such as man-made disasters such as natural disasters and man-made disasters, the ecological environment of the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been significantly deteriorated and the situation is becoming increasingly harsh. At present, the “Three Rivers” located in the hinterland of the plateau have been shrinking year by year with the global climate warming, and the rivers, lakes and wetlands have shrunk and dried up. The area of ​​desertification and soil erosion continues to grow. The problems of desertification and grassland degradation Growing prominently; long-term indiscriminate cultivation has severely damaged a large area of ​​grassland and nearly half of the forests; pests and whales have been ravaged; rare wild animals have been poached; gravely disarmed gold mining and caterpillar fungus have been repeatedly banned; and threatened creatures Species accounted for more than 20% of the total, much higher than the world average of 10% -15%, residents in some areas have been difficult to survive, was forced to relocate.
会 长:王菊梅 省人事厅厅长、省编办主任 副会长杜冠章 省政府副秘书长 刘建基 省委组织部副部长 孙福臻 省委政研室副主任 王保存 省人事厅副厅长 鲁 轶 省财政厅副厅长 杨国
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会 长:唐修亭副会长:姚钟凯李志范曲志深孙贤明 许俊杰常务理事(以姓氏笔划为序): h学良王炜王维王雁南 白云兰刘敬安许金华许俊杰 曲志深曲金成孙伟涛孙贤明 李康 何玉彬 姜
本文对二滩电站水轮发电机的电磁设计、定子设计、转子设计等作了简要介绍。 This article briefly introduces the electromagnetic design, stator design and rotor desi
介绍了汽油内燃式防汛抢险打桩机的结构和工作原理 ,提出了防汛抢险用桩所需沉桩功的落锤试验法 ,研制了重量轻且机动性好的非固定式多功能桩架 ,对直线运动输出式汽油内燃机
文章根据取水许可制度实施后水资源管理和保护工作的需要,运用信息系统的理论和方法,提出了水资源信息系统的功能要求,基本框架和设计方法。 According to the need of water r
1 概况  十三陵水库位于北京市昌平县境内的温榆河支流东沙河上,控制流域面积223 km2,总库容8100万m3。整个枢纽由粘土斜墙土坝、开敞式岸边溢洪道、坝内放水管和水电站组成