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以 3个常规玉米自交系为测验种 ,以 8个S1姊妹系及其 3 0个后代S2 姊妹系为被测系 ,采用p×q设计 ,研究了S1,S2 两个世代的玉米自交早代系主要性状的配合力效应及其配合力相关性 .结果表明 ,无论是S1世代还是S2 世代各被测系间配合力差异较大 ,而且S2 姊妹系间GCA差异与S1姊妹系相比较具有增加的趋势 .在S1姊妹系中GCA较高的有d ,e,g和h等 4个 ,而S2 姊妹系中GCA较高的有 1 8,9,1 7,1 9,5 ,6,1 ,1 0 ,1 1等 9个 ,其中 1 7,1 8等 2个S2 姊妹系选自GCA较高的S2 早代系e ,其余均选自GCA较低的S1早代系 .从各性状的GCA的相关关系来看 ,除了在S2 世代穗行数的GCA与产量的GCA呈非显著负相关之外 ,穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数等产量因素的GCA都与产量的GCA呈不同程度的正相关 .灰色关联度分析显示 ,在S1,S2 两个世代 ,穗重 ,茎粗 ,穗粗 ,百粒重等性状的GCA与产量的GCA的关系比较密切 ,而且比较稳定 ,在S1世代和S2 世代中顺序分别为 1 ,2 ,4,5和 1 ,2 ,4,3 ,所以这几个性状的GCA与产量的GCA的密切关系可信度较大 ,通过这些性状的GCA对产量的GCA进行间接选择也是一种可以借鉴的途径 Taking three conventional maize inbred lines as the tested species, 8 S1 sibling lines and 30 sister siblings of 30 progenies as tested lines, the p × q design was used to study the selfing of maize in two generations of S1 and S2 The results showed that there was great difference in the combining ability between tested lines of S1 generation and S2 generation, and the difference of GCA between S2 sister lines was compared with that of S1 sister line With the trend of increase in the sibling system in GCA higher d, e, g and h, etc. 4, while the S2 sisters GCA higher are 18,9,1,7,1 9,5,6 , 1, 1 0, 1 1 and other 9, of which 1 7,1 8 and other 2 S2 sisters were selected from the higher GCA early S2 progeny e, the rest were selected from the low GCA early S1 lines from GCA of all traits, GCA of spike length, ear diameter, ear number per row, grain number and other yield factors were all significant except GCA of ear number in S2 generation was not significantly negatively correlated with GCA of yield And GCA of the yield had different degrees of positive correlation.The gray relational analysis showed that there was a close relationship between GCA and yield of GCA in the two generations of S1 and S2, such as panicle weight, stem diameter, ear diameter, And more Therefore, the close relationship between the GCA of these traits and the GCA of yield is more credible, and through these sequences, the order of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 1, 2, 4 and 3 in the S1 and S2 generations respectively Trait GCA is also a way to learn GCA from yield
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现行重庆—上海K73 K72、K71 K74次客车经由川黔、湘黔、浙赣、沪杭线 (简称南线 ) ,全程约 2 5 0 0km ,运行 41h 5 0min。建议将K73 K72、K71 K74次客车改道襄渝线 ,经焦柳、陇海、津浦、
五华区地处云南省昆明市西北部,属滇中温凉区,气候温和,适宜农作物生长,是昆明市蔬菜种植基地的重要组成部分,年种植蔬菜1 666.7 hm2,产量0.186亿kg。其中外销占30%以上,产品
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GMA为某单位研制的治疗上呼吸道感染的口腔喷雾剂,主要成分为硫酸庆大霉素,本文报告了它与硫酸庆大霉素注射液 GM对常见上呼吸道感染致病菌的体外抑菌活性,并比较了与临床常用口腔喷