匠心独具 回味无穷——达·芬奇《最后的晚餐》赏析

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《最后的晚餐》,是十五至十六世纪欧洲文艺复兴时期,荣称三杰(达·芬奇、拉斐尔、米罗开基罗)之首的意大利艺术大师莱奥纳尔多·达芬奇(1452—1519)的代表作。作品是一幅巨型(910公分×410公分)壁画,作者用“胶画法”沥四年(1495—1498)心血,画在意大利·米兰·圣玛利亚·戴利·格拉契修道院食堂的墙壁上。迄今五百年,虽几经修复,但仍以它匠心独具的魅力,吸引着广大艺术界、宗教界和旅游界的名人识士,成为世界美术史上一朵光辉灿烂的奇葩。《最后的晚餐》取材于《新约全书·四福音》中,内容是犹大因贪三十块钱出卖他的老师耶稣,次日耶稣就要被钉十字架。在“逾越节”的晚上,耶稣与他的十二个门徒(包括犹大在内)告别,共进最后的一次晚餐的场景,故名《最后的晚餐》。《马太福音》二十六章二十至二十一节 “Last Supper” is the Italian art master Leonardo da Vinci, who was the head of Sanje (Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Miro-Kai-Giulio) during the Renaissance of Europe from the 15th to the 16th century. Odd (1452-1519) masterpiece. The work is a giant (910 cm x 410 cm) mural painted by the author of “Glue Painting” for four years (1495-1498), painting at the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Graz in Milan, Italy Canteen on the wall. Although it has been restored after several hundred years, up to now it has attracted the celebrities and celebrities of the vast arts community, religious circles and tourism circles with its original charm. It has become a brilliant work in the world art history. The “Last Supper” is based on the New Testament, the Four Gospels, in which Judas sold his teacher Jesus for thirty dollars, and next day Jesus was crucified. On the “Passover” evening, Jesus bid farewell to his twelve disciples (including Judas) for the final dinner scene, hence the name “Last Supper.” Matthew 26: 20-21
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