
来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaoge100
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长江两岸分布有中国重要的工业城镇和粮、棉、油生产基地,对长江的水资源进行有效的管理具有十分重要的意义。首先,要建立健全的管理体制。在合理的管理体制的保证下,做好水规划管理、江务防汛管理、水资源保护管理、水土保持管理和取水许可管理。长江水资源管理的目标是:保障本流域和西北、华北可持续发展对水的需求;有效地控制洪水灾害;开发水力资源;发展长江干支流航运;发展水利灌溉;搞好水资源保护和水土保持 The distribution of China’s important industrial towns and the production bases of grain, cotton and oil on both sides of the Yangtze River is of great significance to the effective management of the Yangtze River’s water resources. First, we must establish a sound management system. Under the guarantee of a reasonable management system, water planning and management, river flood control management, water resources protection and management, soil and water conservation management and water permit management. The goal of the Yangtze River water resources management is to guarantee the water demand for the sustainable development of the basin and Northwest and North China, to effectively control flood disasters, to develop hydraulic resources, to develop the shipping of the tributaries of the Yangtze River, to develop water conservancy irrigation, to do well in water resources protection and water and soil conservation maintain
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The world isn’t fair, not by a long shot, and sometimes you need a scapegoat. In Chinese, we have a scape-wok as in 背黑锅 (b8ih8igu4, carry the black wok on one’s back), because 锅 (gu4) sounds like 过 (g