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认真开展中国近现代哲学思想史的研究,对于建设社会主义的精神文明,把我国建设成为现代化的社会主义强国,具有不可忽略的重要意义。中国的新社会是从旧社会发展来的,我们从事建设的现实基础,是从近现代的历史中沿变过来的。脱离了这个基础,割断历史,不从实际出发,不考虑中国的国情,不注意克服旧的影响,其结果,就会误入迷途,或陷入空想。在这些方面,若能认真研究近代思想史,会从中得到很多有益的启示。中国的旧社会是半殖民地、半封建的社会,那时很多先进人物为寻找救国救民的真理,向西方学习,吸 Carrying out the study of the history of Chinese modern philosophy of thought conscientiously is of great importance to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and to the building of our country into a modern, powerful socialist country that can not be ignored. China’s new society has evolved from the old society. The realistic basis for our construction has been transformed from the modern history. Apart from this foundation, we cut off history, did not proceed from reality, did not consider China’s national conditions, did not pay attention to overcoming the old influence, and as a result, we lost our way or lost their dreams. In these respects, if we can conscientiously study the history of modern thought, we will find many helpful revelations. China’s old society was a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. At that time, many advanced individuals learned from the West and sought to find the truth to save the nation and save the people.
电力消费方式的转变,将从市场电力消费的源头,带动电力企业生产方式、供应链、电力产业布局等发生根本的变化。 The change of power consumption mode will fundamentally
Beijing to Shanghai train trip halved to five hours HEARING the news that the high-speed rail (HSR) train from Beijing to Shanghai began to operate on June 30,2
2008年5月29日,国家电网公司总经理刘振亚专程来到都江堰蒲阳电力村指导抗震救灾工作。刘振亚总经理走到一个精干的中年人身边,握住他的手语重心长地说:“你 On May 29, 200“让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪,海面上倒映着美丽的白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙……”虽然人到老年,但