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患儿男性,6岁。以左腰部外伤后血尿10天为主诉于1997年12月入院。经双肾CT及IVU(静脉尿路造影)检查示:右肾缺如,左肾重度积水。术前逆行尿路造影明确为左肾肾盂输尿管连接处梗阻,于1992年12月29日行左肾盂成形术。术中见左肾明显增大,约18cm×8cm,肾实质明显变薄,中、下极尤明显,肾盂明显扩大,肾盂输尿管连接处有约1.5cm长的狭窄段。将狭窄段切除,裁剪肾盂时发现肾盏口狭小,直径约0.1cm,当时未引起重视,仅做肾盂成形术。术后第2天,患儿出现左腰部疼痛,左腰部隆起,急诊行肾探查造瘘术,术中见肾盂无扩 Children with children, 6 years old. To left waist trauma hematuria 10 days as the main complaint in December 1997 admitted. The double renal CT and IVU (intravenous urography) examination showed: lack of right kidney, left kidney with severe hydronephrosis. Preoperative retrograde urography clear for the left renal pelvis and ureter obstruction, on December 29, 1992 line of left renal pelvic surgery. Surgery, see the left kidney was significantly increased, about 18cm × 8cm, significantly thinning of the renal parenchyma, especially in the middle and lower, significantly enlarged renal pelvis, ureteropelvic junction about 1.5cm long stenosis. The narrow segment resection, renal pelvis when found cut small, diameter of about 0.1cm, did not pay attention, only pyeloplasty. On the second day after operation, the patient presented with left lumbar pain, left lumbar bulge, emergency renal exploration and fistula, intraoperative renal pelvis without expansion
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