Moving chemical sciences together

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Chemistry is everywhere and in everything! It is concerned with all the issuesthat humanity has to face and try to solve,including health, environment and energy.How could we imagine that we can achieve that without strong collaborations stimulating scientists of various cultures! In the present days, we are witnessing the universal and accelerated effort to fight against the coronavirus, working together to find an efficient vaccine as soon as possible.In chemistry also, we realized a long time ago that it is necessary to associate our strength in a long-lasting process advancing step-wise in a collaborative way.
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目的 分析金嗓利咽丸联合金嗓散结丸治疗慢性咽喉炎的效果.方法 在2019年1月—2019年6月收治的68例慢性咽喉炎患者是本次研究对象,组织患者采取抽签的方式进行分组,观察组和
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目的 观察益气养阴汤联合中药封包热敷治疗气阴两虚兼瘀型慢性心力衰竭稳定期患者的临床疗效,以期为临床治疗提供参考.方法 选取医院2019年1月—2019年12月门诊诊治的慢性心