7月20日晚,上海电视台曝光了上海福喜食品有限公司存在大量采用过期变质肉类原料的行为。这家公司被曝通过过期食品回锅重做、更改保质期标印等手段加工过期劣质肉类,再将生产的麦乐鸡块、牛排、汉堡肉等出售给麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客等大部分快餐连锁店。7月22日,上海市食药监局表示,初步调查表明,上海福喜食品有限公司涉嫌有组织实施违法生产经营食品行为,并查实了5批次问题产品共5 108箱。食药监局还通报,初步查明,麦当劳、必胜客、汉堡王、棒约翰、德克士、7-11等连
On the evening of July 20, Shanghai TV station exposed that Shanghai Fuxi Food Co., Ltd. had a large number of acts that used outdated spoiled meat raw materials. The company was exposed to outdated foods such as redoing, expiration date stamping and other means of processing outdated bad meat, and then the production of wheat music chicken, steak, hamburger meat sold to McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut and most of the fast food chain. July 22, Shanghai Food and Drug Administration said the preliminary survey showed that Shanghai Fuxi Food Co., Ltd. suspected of organizing the implementation of illegal production and operation of food and verified a total of 5 batches of 5 108 boxes of products. Food and Drug Administration also informed, initially identified, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Rod John, Dicos, 7-11 and so on