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头痛为临床常见症状之一,其致病原因多端。治必审证求因,若见痛止痛,殊失治病求本之旨。兹举五则如下:(一)气虚头痛朱某某,男,52岁。于1987年11月16日诊。头前额疼痛。已10余天之久,每于晨则痛作,至午而渐止,伴体倦乏力、懒言、饮食不振,舌质淡、苔薄白,脉缓乏力。证属气虚,清阳不升。治宜益气升清。予补中益气汤加味:黄耆30克党参20克白术15克当归12克柴胡10克升麻8克白芷10克炙甘草5克荷叶10克广皮5克,服3剂。药后头痛渐止,续服3剂,诸症悉除。按:头为诸阳之会,额乃阳明所主。本例头痛因属中气不足、清阳不升所致。其头痛上午则剧,为清阳不能盛于上半日,体倦乏力,懒言、脉缓乏力等,均气虚之征,故乃投补中益气汤加荷叶以升清阳,佐白芷散阳明风热,故而获效。(二)痰饮头痛朱某某,身,35岁。1986年4月2日诊,患者体质素盛,近半年来,而形体渐瘦饮, Headache is one of the common clinical symptoms and its causes are numerous. The rule must be examined to prove the cause, and if it is painful and painful, then the purpose of seeking treatment is lost. Here are five examples: (a) qi deficiency headache Zhu Moumou, male, 52 years old. He was diagnosed on November 16, 1987. Head pain. Has been more than 10 days long, every morning in the painful work, to the afternoon and stop, with body fatigue, lazy words, poor diet, pale tongue, thin white fur, pulse slow fatigue. The card is empty and Qingyang does not rise. Expelling Qi Qi Qi Qing. Tonic Buzhong Yiqi Decoction: Astragalus 30g Codonopsis 20g Atractylodes 15g Angelica 12g Bupleurum 10g Cimicifuga 8g White peony 10g Baked Licorice 5g Lotus leaf 10g Broad skin 5g Take 3 tablets. Headache gradually ceased after the drug, continued to take three doses, all symptoms were removed. Press: The head is the meeting of Zhu Yang. The amount is the Lord of Yangming. In this case, the headache was caused by insufficient gas and the Qingyang did not rise. The headache of the morning drama is for Qingyang not to be in the first half of the day, tired and sluggish, lazy words, pulse slow fatigue, etc., are all signs of qi deficiency, it is to fill the Zhongyi Qi Tong Ye to Sheng Qing Yang, Sabai Shisan Yangming wind heat, it was effective. (B) sip a headache Zhu Moumou, body, 35 years old. On April 2nd, 1986, the patient’s physical quality was high. In the past six months, her body became thinner and thinner.
作者:金错刀页数:285出版社:陕西师范大学出版社出版时间:2003年4月 Author: wrong knife Pages: 285 Press: Shaanxi Normal University Press Published: April 2003
分会各位会员: 第四届全国摩托车维修技术大赛暨全国维修技术俱乐部技术交流活动,定于11月在山东省淄博市举办,这给我们山东省的俱乐部会员创造了展示自 Club members: the
山茱萸,别名山萸肉,为山茱萸科植物山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc.) Hawthorn, alias Hawthorn meat, is a Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc.