My father, mother and stepfather are both Communists who are loyal to the communist faith and consecrated themselves to the cause of revolution. Their selfless dedication and behavior for the motherland and the people have become the guidelines of my life and the most precious spiritual asset of my life . My father, Wang Shaojie, was born in May 1905 in Guangdong Province. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1926 and was an executive member of Chenghai County Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. He led the peasant uprising in Chenghai County in 1927, the New Fourth Army in the autumn of 1937, the Soviet Union and Zhejiang Military Region in 1945 Fourth District deputy political commissar, in his way to office by boat was killed, at the age of 40 years. My mother Yu Xiangfeng (another name Yu Qianhua), yes