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文章利用2003~2013年中国农业部全国农村固定观察点8个粮食主产省的农户微观调研数据,运用面板数据固定效应模型在全国层面和省级层面分析农户稻谷、小麦和玉米的耕地经营规模对各粮食作物单产和亩均生产成本的影响,以及这种影响在不同时期、不同地区的差异化表现。总的来看,农户耕地经营规模对粮食单产具有显著的负向影响,但耕地经营规模对粮食单产的这种负向影响力度随着时间的推移持续减弱。这表明“增规不增产”问题随着时间推移得到逐步改善。农户耕地经营规模对粮食生产成本也有显著的负向影响,但粮食生产规模经营的成本优势随着时间推移逐渐降低,应当引起重视。分地区而言,农户耕地经营规模对粮食单产和亩均生产成本的显著负向影响在地形以山地和丘陵为主、且机械化耕作程度相对滞后的湖北省和四川省等地区表现最突出。所以,在促进农地承包经营权流转、扩大农户农业生产规模经营的过程中,应重点缓解这些地区的土地细碎化问题,扩大农户地块层面的经营规模,完善当地的机械化社会服务市场。 Based on the micro-survey data of farmers in 8 major grain-producing provinces from fixed observation points in rural areas of China from 2003 to 2013, this paper analyzes the farmland management scale of farmers’ paddy, wheat and corn at the national and provincial levels by using panel data fixed effect model The impact of various grain crops per mu and the average production cost per acre, as well as the differentiated performance of this kind of influence in different periods and regions. In general, the scale of farmland farming has a significant negative impact on grain yields, but the negative impact of the cultivated land management on grain yields continues to weaken over time. This shows that the problem of “increasing production and not increasing production” has been gradually improved over time. Farmers’ cultivated land management scale also has a significant negative impact on grain production cost. However, the cost advantage of large-scale grain production management has gradually decreased over time, which deserves our attention. In terms of regions, the negative impacts of farmer households’ cultivated land management on grain yields and average production costs per hectare are most prominent in areas such as Hubei Province and Sichuan Province, where the topography is dominated by hills and hills and the mechanization of farming is relatively backward. Therefore, we should focus on alleviating the issue of land fragmentation in these areas, expanding the scale of operation at the parcel level of rural households and perfecting the mechanized social service market in the process of promoting the circulation of rural land contractual management rights and expanding the scale of agricultural production of rural households.
财务供应链(Financial Supply Chain)是决定企业经营成败的关键因素之一。随着全球采购与生产外包的兴起,财务供应链的重要性也被提升到更高的层次。      全球采购与生产外包有助于缩减运作成本和适应变化无常的市场环境,这点已经得到众多企业的认可。全球采购与生产外包为企业节省大量的资金,例如厂房、设备、营运等方面资金投入由品牌持有者和OEM厂商逐步转移到海外的业务伙伴。虽然这种好处
采用田间试验方法,研究了"肥牛"牌腐殖酸肥在水稻上的应用效果.结果表明,"肥牛"牌腐殖酸肥能促进水稻早熟、增产,并提高经济效益.667 m2施用"肥牛"牌腐殖酸肥10 kg,水稻可增
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
富禾80是辽宁东亚种业有限公司水稻育种所选育而成的水稻新品种,2006年通过辽宁省品种审定委员会审定。该品种生育期161 d,分蘖能力强,成穗率高,米质优,平均产量为610.23 kg/